Its Been A While

May 26, 2005 18:30

So I know its been a while and a lot has happened.  I went  back to work and that was fine but I still can't wait to get out of there.  I finished up the week at clinicals last week and then I had my honors banquet that I didn't go to but I got an award for my grades, I guess they're supposed to mail it to me.  So instead of going to my banquet me and Jaimser went and got pedicures instead, it was super nice.  Jaimser was friggen hilarious in the chair cause it was her first pedicure and she was lovin the massager but her feet are ticklish like mine so she was trying not to kick the lady in the face.  LOL.  Then we were watching the news while our toes were drying and she was making fun of the stupid old man that hit a police officer with his car.  Yes I know a little insensitive but she was funny.

After our toes dried we went shopping at DEB and got some cute stuff.  I got my holey jeans and and a cute top and toe rings.  Jaime got some cute stuff too.  It was a fun shopping trip but of course I took forever.  LOL but you love me Jaimser.  I was supposed to be looking for an outfit for graduation but had no such luck.

So Friday Bryan and I went to my graduation rehearsal and then we went shopping.  I drove him nuts too cause I dragged him  to so many girley stores but I think he was having fun watching me change into outfit after outfit.  We closed out the mall, but he finally helped me find the perfect outfit at Gadzooks.  So after that we went to the Horn to eat and then I came home and passed out.  I got up super early Saturday morning cause I had to be out to Ann Arbor by 8:30.  I was so happy though cause my family came and Bryan and all my grandparents (minus great grandma, she wasn't feelin good :(  sniff).  So I GRADUATED!!!!!!!  and with high honors too.  I'm super happy.  After graduation my whole family went to eat at Boneyard and it was hilarious because Bryan and my brother got hamburgers which ended up being meatloaf on bread, they were huge.  Bryan stopped half way through but it was my brothers mission to finish.  Needless to say he didn't feel too hot later LOL.

So after that I came home and passed out, I think we all did cause we had to get up so early.  It was a very nice nap.  After I woke up I went to Jaime's and we stopped at the B's to see Mr. and Mrs. B and take pictures.  After that we went to 7-11 and ended up running into Chris, Eric, and Jay.  Later we stopped by Chris and Eric's and hung out and talked and stuff before they all went out.  Then we went and got ready and changed and Bryan came over and me, Bryan, Jaime, melissa, and little Murf went up to St. Sebastian and of course I saw a bunch of people I used to go to junior high and high school with.  Some I really didn't want to see but what can you do.  After that Bryan and I went home and the rest of them went to the bar.  Bryan gave me a piggy back ride cause my feet were hurting, he's such a sweetheart.

I worked Sunday and all this week I've been on my working interview for this job with Alliance.  Its been going very well and I really hope I get the job because I've really been enjoying myself and all the people I've worked with are cool as hell.  Tuesday I got a call from Jaimser and she told me she was in the hospital super sick, she hasn't been feeling good lately and I've been trying to get her to go the doctor.  Well she had to be taken to the emergency room instead cause her throat swelled up so bad she could barely swallow or breathe.  My little procrastinator.  Well we found out whats wrong with her and now me and Jay might be sick too cause we came in super close contact with her so I have a doctor's appt tomorrow to get checked out and then I have to let Jay know if I'm sick cause if I'm sick, he's sick, we are all sick!!!  Blah, I hope I'm not though cause that means I may have gotten Bryan sick and Jay's girlfriend just came in yesterday and he might get her sick.  Ahhhh Jaimser!!!!  Just jokin, I still love ya.

Oh and I got great news too.  Gina is home for the first half of the summer!!! Woohoo!!!  I'm a happy girl about that.  And of course my life wouldn't be complete without some drama, apparently I'm a bad friend for caring about one of my best friends.  I guess I'm more like a parent then a friend because I speak the truth and don't like her trashy jerky guy who likes to try to drive her around drunk and is extremely disrespectful to her.  But who knows, I'm tired of caring because it doesn't get you anywhere.  I'm done.

P.S. My parents divorce was finalized Tuesday too.  Sucks cause Alex and my dad will be leaving soon, I'm sad about that.  It'll definitely be weird.
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