Got back from MFF a few hours ago. Not going to try and do some big con-report thing since I don't tend to do much to warrant one, but it was a fun vacation anyway. :p Vacation itself started Monday before MFF, where I just sat around home all day. XD Tuesday afternoon
kilroyfirelizrd came over, and we crammed my stuff in his car and headed to Merrilville to hang out for a couple days. Wandered around the mall where I got an airbrush shirt done *though it took a couple days to actually get it* and got food and fun stuff. Bought a game for my DS and he found one about dragons that I now need to get my own copy of later.
Thursday we headed out to the MFF hotel. Not a lot to do but take care of registration and mingle with people while eating cake and checking out my Sponsor goodies. The next couple days were spent hanging out with Kilroy and Kharivas. Blew $100 on one of the vendors and got a little art done. Watched Uncle Kage's story hour and got to go to the Sponsor brunch, which was AWESOME! They had blueberries and raspberries and chocolate chip pancakes with chocolate shavings to sprinkle on top *though they started getting melty cause some dork put the bowl of chocolate shavings on the hotplate with the pancakes -_-* and bacon and pumpkin ravioli, and I didn't get one myself but they had made-to-order omelet stations where you could have them put in any of several things into your omelet.
I got to pet all kinds of animals I'd normally never get to touch, like a kinkajou, a Lynx, a Fennec Fox, a skunk, and most awesome of all a real live alligator. That was AWESOME! He was so calm, too, even with all the people around talking and taking pictures and touching him. He barely moved, to the point some people thought he was fake at first. XD
Vacation didn't last long enough, damn it. I have to go back to work tomorrow, and I am NOT looking forward to it. I wish I had some form of talent that would let me make money from home and not have to go to a job I don't like. Making money off my photography or something would kick so much ass, but I'd need a much more expensive camera first to have a chance, as my current one still gets blurry images too often due to my unsteady hands. I'd have to buy a camera with a fast enough capture that motion/shaking doesn't have much effect on the quality of the image. I'd also need one that knows how to fucking focus where I tell it to. Mine annoys me so much a lot of the time for not focusing on what I want it to. Squirrel in the tree? Doesn't matter if I try Macro settings on or off, it will focus on branches around the squirrel instead of the squirrel itself.