One wonders

Aug 30, 2009 19:23

Hubby and I were on our way for a late dinner last night. It was dark. As we were getting into the car, I noticed the sounds of kids out walking. No big, just something to keep an eye on.

We ended up having to wait a few moments at the end of our driveway because an SUV was driving really slow because there was a kid in the street riding a bike. (We wondered why the SUV just didn't go around, but that's another matter.)

We finally pull out of our driveway, and head to dinner when we see two kids apparently beating up a third. Mind you, these kids looked to be middle school, but still, one kid was on the ground and the other two were kicking and hitting. And the kid on the ground? Moved like he was being hit or kicked.

Hubby stops the car as I'm telling him to, and I open the car door and yell "What the hell do you think your doing?"


They were joking around. Kid on the ground was fine.

Now, my problem with this is the had been at it a few minutes and the SUV went right by them just before us and didn't stop. Regardless that they were just "kidding" around, it was dark and it looked real. If little Jimmy had been being beaten up, there would have been hell raised. However, I'm also wondering - if you see two people making hitting and kicking motions toward someone on the ground - don't you stop? I do (obviously). I don't like the fact that these kids thought that mock fighting like that (in the dark, but, really, at all) was acceptable, any more than I like the fact the white SUV just drove past and did nothing.

off to make dinner
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