Date Night

Jul 08, 2009 00:05

So, Hubby and I had an unplanned/plannedish date night. Nothing overly planned, just the idea to watch Inkheart. (Really good book, BTW.) Had some grapes, had some popcorn, and just enjoyed the two of us, the couch and...

Well, I really wanted to like the movie. They picked the perfect actors, the book was really good, but... well, the movie left a bit to be desired. Unfortunately, the movie didn't have the words to give depth to the characters, and while the actors played their parts well, there was just something missing (okay, they changed a lot of the plot and some of it... well, I can understand, but... no.) Part of it is, and I will admit this, while I read the book, the characters came alive in my imagination. Dustfinger's face was scarred. Horribly. Not what the movie called 'horribly scarred'. I guess I was imagining jagged scars that stood out. And the settings - I imagined Elinor's house to be so different. More booky, less cold and sterile feel.

Like I said, though, the actors did a good job in their roles. Paul Bettony was great as Dustfinger, and Brendan Fraser was the inspiration for Mo, and did a great job.

Again, I guess I'm just disappointed that so much was lost in translation.

That and we finished my bottle of birthday wine from my brother that I've been savoring sweetly these past few days. Damn it was good. Tried some of Hubby's Birthday ale that Brother got him. It's an ale that I'll actually drink. Miracles will never cease.

Ah well, it was good to see The Hubby. I think we get to see each other again on ... Friday? Saturday for sure.

And tomorrow I get to move Star Wars books! Woot!
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