Bands // Song Titles Created by
BourdiezFreak and taken 23259 times on
bzoink!Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:The Smiths/MorrisseyAre you female or male:This Charming ManDescribe yourself:Sweet And Tender HooliganHow do some people feel about you:You just haven't earned it yet, babyHow do you feel about yourself:I Am Hated For LovingDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:GIRL LEAST LIKELY TODescribe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:Pretty Girls Make GravesDescribe where you want to be:Back To The Old HouseDescribe what you want to be:The Last Of The Famous International PlayboysDescribe how you live:Still IllDescribe how you love:The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I GetShare a few words of wisdom:Meat Is Murder, These Things Take Time,
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