Nggghhaahhh!Grrr arrr Rum and Monkey.In the swing at work of code-monkey fervor... we have the server end of the database bridge up and the Flash end is coming into existence soon! Sylvain has been plotting out a grand plan for our shape wrangling setup, and we’re seeing eye to eye so far. The progress feels like a week’s worth, but we’ve been at these components a day and a half now. I’m pumped!
Spent the weekend in Ormstown with
funny_socks, Sylvain and Adrienne, had a relaxing time and two really good bike rides. I’m going to try and do a significant ride every week this summer -- I feel so energized after some time on the open road or bike trail. Finished off the weekend by attending an Onlyforward gig downtown -- worked the door during the opening acts and the first couple songs, then came in for the rest of the show. The place was packed and the music was good!
funny_socks’ mum is in town, I get to meet her Thursday. I’m still a little worried, but I think we’ll get along -- starting with professional interest (she’s a physiotherapist and I’ve got the shoulder) but hopefully on a broader level too. This is the person who contributed half the genes for someone truly amazing... that must count for something.
This promises to be a slightly more relaxed week than many of late...