I just moved to the clean-up portion of my House Projects of the Day, so I'm taking a break. Morgan's bookcase is cleaned off, has waves, a dolphin, some sparkles, and two chalkboard panels painted on it. All the books are on the floor, ready to be sorted. Thank goodness for the timing of the school book sale next week!
Abi's bookcase (larger!) is primed and part of the basement is cleaned up (so I could do this) and some of the painting tools and paraphernalia and cans of color are moved down there.
The inner hall now has paint where the spackle touch-up was, and the glass is on the light fixture now too. Also the hall closet door knob is on, which involved putting it half on, disassembling the lever bit, turning it upside down, then putting the bits back together.
Brushes are soaking.
I last posted this list
about Mo's room on Oct 20th, so here's the crossed-off update:
* door stop
* peg and urethane threshold
* rope railing
* last outlet cover
* ladder(s) (I think we cancelled the trapdoor idea but I am not sure about the sliding pole he wants :P )
* jacks & jack cover x2
* chalkboard
* furniture in (may require some cleaning, painting and/or assembling. May also require shopping, but I hope not.) [ IN PROGRESS! ]
* birds in
* Mo!
Note that last! Mo and Abi are both sleeping in there, with very little furniture, so we can clean up, sort, and do some small repairs in Abi's room. Whee! They've been in there since Nov 3rd (actually the 4th; I was out in the evening of the 3rd and they snuggled up on our bed instead, the sillies).
I could keep going, but I think it's worth switching to stoking stove, taking a bath, and helping Mo (finally) with a sewing project. (Think I'll update
the original list first though.) Hard to switch!
And "hard to switch" is pretty much the theme of my "days are just packed" life. Tell you about the other bits some other time if I make time... thinky thoughts, that stuff.