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Invitation accepted... tniassaintJuly 18 2013, 19:49:32 UTC
What I edited follows - I have left it unedited - as it was first written - Please note that you have posted more AFTER this was written and I leave it as is for the integrity of the post and to avoid the confusion of adding response that was not in the initial post and response - I don't generally make multiple edits to posts.
Re: Invitation accepted... tniassaintJuly 18 2013, 19:51:32 UTC
Where do I start? Do I start with the moral ethic of politicizing what is clearly not a political issue? Do I start with the inaccuracies regarding media coverage that are spoken specifically to garnish some political point at the expense of a tragic event? Do I discuss how attempting to tie this to unrelated events elsewhere is disgusting? How about the absolutely disgusting introduction of people who have NOTHING AT ALL to do with this and implying they are responsible? Do we go to the relevance to what people need to know in as they go about their daily lives
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Re: Invitation accepted... metaphorsbwithuJuly 18 2013, 21:03:49 UTC
RE: "It is a horrible story - blame the killer - not everyone you dislike in the world."
Can't avoid the cheap shot.
For the record. I am not a liberal. I do not "dislike people" for the usual liberal reasons. I comment on the facts and evens that are unfolding before our eyes.
To say someone describes reality because he or she doesn't like people is so typical of the left. Like people who absolutely HATE Sarah Palin and would dance with joy if harm came to her and/or her family.
I do not like lies, smears, law-breaking, character assassination, inciting hatred, and other tactics of the left. I do not blame people "I don't like" for the murder of a child. That is what LIBERALS do (Gabby Giffords, the Boston Marathon atrocities, the Dark Knight massacre, the Connecticut school killings, ETC., ETC., ETC.
Re: I feel I should pass you a drink -tniassaintJuly 19 2013, 00:48:52 UTC
Re: I feel I should pass you a drink - since you are not here I will just have it myself. I often have that feeling when talking with my somewhat old (not an age dig friend), but very dear friend metaphorsbwithu who sadly cannot see the facial expressions that go along with the responses.
Would you have preferred I used the term "Partisan politics"?
No - I do not see someone's murder of a small girl to be a political issue in the slightest. Even in the event that the deed were politically motivated, the person who would kill a child in this manner is not acting on political cause. It is a mental and moral issue. Not political.
With this odd bit of logic I could say the weather forecast is political. I could say the marriage system is political, my choice of pets - pretty much anything.
It's kind of a non-response.
This was not a political issue. This was / is a sick SOB that took his issues out on an innocent girl. It is not political.
Re: I feel I should pass you a drink -marycatelliJuly 19 2013, 01:13:32 UTC
No, I would have prefered you to avoid regurgiating your false point.
That an issue is mental and moral does not mean it is not political. That something else entirely, namely the weather forecast, is not political does not mean it is not political. Protecting its citizens against such crimes is the entire reason why government exists. Therefore, his ability to do so is a political matter.
Re: suit yourself. Ramble away.tniassaintJuly 19 2013, 01:30:30 UTC
The issue that all things are or might be political is completely irrelevant. You have not laid out your case that it is. More to the point - I disagree that the protection of citizens is THE primary purpose of government (read the Constitution, the works of Hobbes, Jerad Diamond or Thomas Paine for more on that). It is A function, but not THE function
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Re: suit yourself. Ramble away.marycatelliJuly 19 2013, 01:51:25 UTC
Try reading the Declaration of Independence, yourself. The Constitution is a document to implement government, not a theoretical discussion of why we implement it. Which is, in fact, exactly to protect the citizens.
As for "Hobbes, Jerad Diamond or Thomas Paine" -- argumentum ad auctoritatem. Not to mention that your peculiar selection of authorities creates doubts on its own.
Comment follows as a response to THIS post
Can't avoid the cheap shot.
For the record. I am not a liberal. I do not "dislike people" for the usual liberal reasons. I comment on the facts and evens that are unfolding before our eyes.
To say someone describes reality because he or she doesn't like people is so typical of the left. Like people who absolutely HATE Sarah Palin and would dance with joy if harm came to her and/or her family.
I do not like lies, smears, law-breaking, character assassination, inciting hatred, and other tactics of the left. I do not blame people "I don't like" for the murder of a child. That is what LIBERALS do (Gabby Giffords, the Boston Marathon atrocities, the Dark Knight massacre, the Connecticut school killings, ETC., ETC., ETC.
Law and order is the fundamental purpose of government. Crime is therefore inherently political because it is a failure of the government.
I often have that feeling when talking with my somewhat old (not an age dig friend), but very dear friend metaphorsbwithu who sadly cannot see the facial expressions that go along with the responses.
Would you have preferred I used the term "Partisan politics"?
No - I do not see someone's murder of a small girl to be a political issue in the slightest. Even in the event that the deed were politically motivated, the person who would kill a child in this manner is not acting on political cause. It is a mental and moral issue. Not political.
With this odd bit of logic I could say the weather forecast is political. I could say the marriage system is political, my choice of pets - pretty much anything.
It's kind of a non-response.
This was not a political issue. This was / is a sick SOB that took his issues out on an innocent girl. It is not political.
That an issue is mental and moral does not mean it is not political. That something else entirely, namely the weather forecast, is not political does not mean it is not political. Protecting its citizens against such crimes is the entire reason why government exists. Therefore, his ability to do so is a political matter.
As for "Hobbes, Jerad Diamond or Thomas Paine" -- argumentum ad auctoritatem. Not to mention that your peculiar selection of authorities creates doubts on its own.
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