TODAY'S FACT: - FOUR out of FIVE Americans don't trust the government!
Are you one of the tiny minority who trust the government?
FACT TWO - Obama's former White House Counsel just got hired by Goldman Sachs? :-D
Remember him? I mentioned him when Obama first signed the executive order to close Gitmo and he had to explain to Obama, on video, what was not in his own order!
These guys go back and forth, in and out, and they think you are SO DUMB! :-D
Following the Goldman Sachs story?
Yeah, Obama assures "the little" people how he's going to go after Wall Street and the gullible and uninformed say, "You go guy!"
Obama's staff and the government in general are full of people who worked for Goldman Sachs and similar firms ... all rolling in money.
Goldman Sachs contributed almost $1 million to Obama's campaign. Politicians like Charles Schumer and Chris Dodd have always had close ties with these characters giving and getting favors to and from "fat cats".
OBama's new financial "reform" will insure companies like Goldman Sachs remain "too big to fail" at taxpayer expense, and it will allow the Obama administration to take over still more of the American economy.
Come on! It's the Chicago way gone to Washington ... it's community organizing on steroids, with Obama's well-oiled machine running in the same manner as it did to pass health care "reform", no matter how much they feign surprise at events they are orchestrating.
You see, the Obama administration claims they knew nothing about the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation of Goldman Sach's shady manipulation of derivative sales but the New York Post reports the White House had BOUGHT the terms (Goldman Sachs - SEC) ahead of time so that when you google them you go to their web site:
White House Buys Google Search Terms Ahead of Time - but Didn't Know About Charge?
It was a NINE MONTH INVESTIGATION and all the Democrats on the SEC voted for charging Goldman Sachs! Obama's organizations like Organizing for America were poised to react to the news but we're supposed to believe there was no collusion?
And the charges against Goldman Sachs? Don't think the whole derivative thing is too complicated to understand. Basically, it's like selling a worthless crap sandwich and then selling you the medicine for your upset stomach.
Yeah, all of these fat cat politicians and bureaucrats are going to really go after their pals in Wall Street! With their $50 billion slush fund with unlimited bailout authority.
And they have the nerve to tell you we the taxpayers aren't going to be burdened with bailing out their cronies the fat cats and they're going to stop all that risk-taking and resultant economic downturns.
Hey, it's GOVERNMENT and politicians that are the source of most of our problems ... not the private sector. Goldman Sachs will come out of this fatter and happier than ever. It's all smoke and mirrors! A game, like Obama played demonizing AIG, to advance his agenda ... after which all those executives ( on his side) STILL got their bonuses ... remember when Chris Dodd slipped that provision in and then lied about it?
Remember when tax cheat Tim Geithner stumbled and stuttered at the hearings looking into his role in writing the plan to bail out AIG ... and take care of his pals at Goldman Sachs (one of his former employers)?
Do you REALLY think Obama's going after the "fat cats" that funded his campaign?
Yeah, they think you are really that stupid!