You can always tell when people know their side is at fault when they begin to say, "Both sides do it!"
No. Both sides do not do it. There has been one side responsible for the vast majority of violence, hate, detruction of property, physical harm, and vitriol evidenced over the last few decades, and their pathetic attempts to brand the (until now) silent masses of law-abiding people who are waking up to what is happening in this country as the source is a sign of desperation.
Here is a follow-up story concerning the incident I wrote about, a short walk from where I was on Friday, April 9 earlier in the day.
Mother of Woman Beaten Confirms Attackers Were Likely Protesters Her daughter was beaten and stomped on the ground so violently (it took five guys to gather up the "courage" to execute their assault) her leg was broken in four places.
She's had surgery and had a steel rod and seven screws inserted. Her boyfriend was luckier suffering only a broken nose and concussion.
Again ... there is no outrage from the media. No outrage from the Democrat party. No outrage from the left.
There has hardly been a whisper, even here where it happened, and only now because so many of us in the alternative media and blogosphere have been publicizing it.
The police didn't even begin investigating until three days after the incident when word began spreading all over the internet.
The pattern from the left never changes. They try to ignore you, and change the subject, and question your sources, and demonize you, and tell people not to listen to you, and finally they try to run away and stick their heads in the ground pretending they don't know what's happening.
No, both sides don't do it, and all you have to do is a little research and educate yourself on what the media hide from you.
When you have lost the debate, these are the extremes you resort to.
Including having five thugs sneak up behind a young woman and beat her up senseless.
You and your enablers and contributors are going down come November. Six months until the mid-term elections. We are not going away.
And those who continue to step up for the truth ... watch your backs. These people are cowards.