creeping socialism ... and another creepy dem sex scandal

Oct 13, 2008 20:53

Watch this exchange between "The One" and a tax-burdened plumber who probably wakes up every morning at 5:30 and works into the night to make a living for himself and his family:

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You see, Obama wants "to spread the wealth around."

Now, follow me. Obama says that 95% of "taxpayers" will see a tax cut. Only "the rich" will pay more.

However, approximately one out of every three "taxpayers" pay NO taxes. The bottom half of taxpayers pay only about 2.7% of all income taxes.

When Obama talks about "tax cuts" he is mostly talking about refundable tax credits.

In effect, Obama is taking from the most productive in society, and redistributing it to people (who knows who?) who have done nothing to deserve it.

He wants to force people like that plumber to give to people, most of whom haven't sacificed, paid the price, and actually done something with their lives except to vote Democrat.

It's called redistribution of wealth. Socialism. Marxism. It's coming to a theater near you.

If the coming liberal thugracry has anything to say about the matter, you won't be able to say anything about it. Oh, you don't know about the threats to free speech we are facing?

Do you really want these people running your lives? Telling you what you can say and do? Like they already are now. There are some who are already too frightened to open their mouths. You must have a lot to lose.

I'll bet you can't wait for 2009.

You can keep it from happening, but it ain't gonna be pretty.

Hey! Have you heard the Tim Maloney sex tapes yet? Remember Mark Foley and the media's daily barrage of accusations against Foley and the Republican Party over a bunch of emails?

"You work at my pleasure." - Rep. Tim Mahoney, D-Florida.

I love how Democrats treat their women. :-D

If this were a movie, no one would believe it.

QUESTION: What did Rahm Emanuel and Nancy Pelosi know and when did they know it?

What? You don't know Rahm Emanuel? Remember this exchange between Emanuel and George Stephanapoulos in which Stephanopoulas asked if he had been AWARE of the emails and Emmanuel said (SIX TIMES) that he hadn't "seen" the Foley emails.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS (ABC NEWS) (Off-camera): All week long there have been suggestions by - on talk radio and by Republicans and their allies that this was perhaps a Democratic dirty trick. And I just want to ask you plainly, did you or your staff know anything...


STEPHANOPOULOS (Off-camera): About these e-mails or instant messages before they came out?

EMANUEL: George, never saw them. And I'm going to say one thing, let's go through the facts right here.

REP ADAM PUTNAM (CHAIRMAN OF HOUSE REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE): But were you aware of them? You said you didn't see them.

EMANUEL: Never saw them. Let me just go right through the facts, one Brian Ross, who broke this story on your network said it came from a Republican source. Very unusual to do that. Fact two, the Hill paper said it came from a Republican source. All the Republicans and staff people are coming forward are Republicans. Mark Foley who wrote the e-mails originally at the bottom of this whole problem, Republican. The leadership of the Congress from Tom Reynolds to John Boehner to Speaker Hastert who can't come on this show...

STEPHANOPOULOS (Off-camera): So you were not aware and no involvement?

EMANUEL: No, we never saw them. No involvement and she said not anything, George, and what the fact is this is...

PUTNAM: Was there an awareness?

EMANUEL: No. There's a holy...

PUTNAM: Was there any awareness?

EMANUEL: No. Never saw them. The first time I ever saw these things right here when Brian Ross broke the show and when "The Post" had the story. What you guys want to do is take your dirty laundry and throw it over the fence and try to blame other people for the problems and this is ...

Emanuel never said he wasn't AWARE of them. He couldn't. It was fed to the media to influence the elections and the media ran with it. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and Emmanuel i at the center of the scandal again. What a bunch of weasels these Democrats are!

Stay tuned!

plumber and obama, tim mahoney, sex scandal, taxes, socialism

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