confronting your opponents will always make you strong

Oct 13, 2008 11:04

Is it because propaganda, promises, and rhetoric sound so much more appetizing than history?

Back in the 90’s, we were told “character didn’t matter” anymore.

Now we are seeing the fruits of that sowing.

There was a time when belonging to a racist hate-filled church for 20 years would have mattered.

When engaging in voter-registration fraud would have raised an eyebrow.

When debating whether a baby “born alive” had any human rights would have been ridiculed.

When teaching sex-ed in kindergarten would have brought storms of protest.

When punishing hard work and accomplishment instead of rewarding and encouraging it would have been laughed at.

When the specter of Socialism, Collectivism, and class warfare would have sent shudders down most people’s back.

When printing worthless paper money to solve economic problems was something left to communists and counterfeiters.

When the press was respected for at least trying to deliver facts and get at the truth.

We are now living in a time when elites decide what the truth is, and are working to prevent any other voices from being heard.

Who do you trust? Is there anybody out there? Do you understand the times we live in? Do you not see what you are doing?

Barack on Education - Barack delivered a $1 million earmark for the University of Chicago and wife Michelle’s salary was tripled to $300,000 shortly after.

Chicago spends $10,000 per student. Sound good? Read on.

Obama supported teachers' unions in their fight to exempt their members from being judged by performance instead of seniority. Good for teachers, bad for students. Of course students don’t have the right to vote … yet.

"I owe those unions," Obama has said. "When their leaders call, I do my best to call them back right away. I don't consider this corrupting in any way."

Uhhh … isn’t that what we call a “special interest” Senator? Oh, only other politicians’ special interests are special interests. I see.

New teachers can look forward to a better than Chicago median starting salary, escalating to $100,000 in a few years.

Obama supported merit pay for teachers, but as somehow measured by the teachers themselves, rather than by "arbitrary tests."

It shows.

About 3 in 10 Chicago high-school juniors meet the statewide standards on tests.

One out of every 16 children who enter Chicago high schools become college graduates by the time they are 25 years old.

Obama supports sex education in kindergarten, in reality indoctrination in values that go against the traditional values that children learn from their parents and communities. Look it up.

Punishing and disciplining students is severely limited because punish certain ethnic groups more than others opens teachers and administrators to a tangle of time-consuming and expensive legal proceedings, all supported by Sen. Obama?

Do you know any teachers? I do. Ask them about discipline in their schools. I’ll bet they can give you the time, day, and year they’re eligible for retirement.

Obama’s partner in educational reform, Bill Ayres, has been praised by Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez for his anti-Capitalist efforts to radicalize and politicize the educational system in the U.S.

“We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution . . . . I look forward to seeing how . . . all of you continue to overcome the failures of capitalist education as you seek to create something truly new and deeply humane."

"Teaching invites transformations, it urges revolutions large and small. La educacion es revolucion." - Bill Ayers

Now do you see why Obama’s relationship with Ayers goes beyond Ayers’ terrorist acts in the 60’s? Why does every news anchor and pundit refer to Ayers as a school reformer and not tell you what he and Obama have done and plan to do to your children.

Oh, Obama’s children go to private school. Are you surprised?

Who do you trust? Is there anybody out there? Have you any idea what these people want to do to you?

Pass this information on, please.

Oh, and a tip of my Cajun cap to Thomas Sowell, a man I greatly admire, who has confirmed everything I have been saying and have said here.


obama, bill ayers, education, politics

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