confronting your opponents will always make you strong

Oct 13, 2008 11:04

WHY WON’T THEY TELL YOU THE TRUTH ABOUT THE REAL ISSUES?Is it because propaganda, promises, and rhetoric sound so much more appetizing than history ( Read more... )

obama, bill ayers, education, politics

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tniassaint October 13 2008, 19:59:15 UTC
When I was a kid I hung around with a guy that ended up robbing the same gas station three times in less then a month.

Am I to gather that I approve of anyone robbing gas stations?

I went to a church for 15 years where one of the senior priests was a former drug addict and self admitted strong arm thief. He was constantly preaching about the need to give give give to the church during his sermons.

Does this mean that I ( 1 ) approve of drug addicts and ( 2 ) strong arm robbery, that I approve of priests that are obsessed with increasing revenues, and ( 3 ) that I am even a supporter of this church at all?

On to more...

Fraud is fraud - the candidates have not been involved in fraud and NO ONE has drawn any sort of connection. The accusation is being investigated and the organization said they will cooperate with the investigation and anyone that broke the law will be prosecuted. Kudos.

The abortion and the "born alive" debate is a touchy subject with many. I do not pretend to agree with the process, and it is often used to represent more then it is. It is one of many issues and it is not a litmus test.

The sex-ed for Kindergarten students is a red herring. I have read the bill briefly and it is not comprehensive sex-ed. It is VERY appropriate material on not going off with strangers and what constitutes inappropriate touching. The Republicans are way off base on this one. I guess if they should have called it a "personal safety" class. The name was latched onto in error and has been made the sticking point - silly.

Punishing hard work - don't get me started. The Republicans do not honor it any more or less then anyone else. In fact I believe that the conservative establishment - the elites - have miserably little regard for the hard work of the average Joe.

Mindless fear of concepts is absurd and deserves ridicule.

The printing of worthless money is an interesting concept. I wonder who is responsible for that one. Of course paper money is only a tiny part of wealth.

Press and the truth - So where do you get your sources if not from the press... and just because a source has a different POV it isn't necessarily false - but we will just disagree on that...

Elites !?! ACK !?! The Republicans are known as the party of the elites. They are the party of the long established establishment. They are the voice of mindless adherence to status quo and old dated traditions and a marked lace of imagination - and entrenchment in what has been regardless of the changes in time and situation. Sure stability is good, but one also needs to be flexible to GOOD change. I have had WAY more so called conservatives attempt to silence me then any liberals I have known.

Trust is relative... if you trust the current gang of thieves, I have some Ocean Front Property in Oklahoma to sell you - and only 3% interest!

Been reading up on Acorn and Ayers - not impressed. There is nothing significant there. No one has been able to draw any serious connections and even the McCain people have been ineffective at presenting any serious claims. If they were there they would have done so LOUDLY by now.


metaphorsbwithu October 13 2008, 20:44:46 UTC
Mike, you always take the page of the Obama/Alkinsky playbook by creating these straw men that aren't part of the conversation.

I've explained in numerous posts my arguments against Obama, documenting my observations regarding this race, but you rarely respond to them directly.

For the last time:

1) The problem with associating with people like Wright, Pfleger, and Ayers is not that he's just been in their vicinity but he has been allied with them and share part of their agenda.

PLUS, he's LIED about it over and over and over.

2. Obama again and again has said he has had no connection with ACORN.

That is a LIE Mike. Read my previous posts when you have the time. ACORN has been a contributor to the mortgage crisis and at the heart of the VOTER fraud you raged against so loudly in Florida in 2000 where it was never proved to have happened (at least on the Republican side). Obama took money for ACORN and delivered money to them in association with Bill Ayers on the Annenberg Foundation and Woods Fund. He served as an attorney in suing banks to COMPEL them to write those high risk loans you denied the banks were forced to write.

3. Obama LIED about his opposition to the "Born Alive" bill, the same bill that eventually passed in the US Senate 98-0 and his home state of Illinois. His ever-changing statements on this issue have sent a chill up my spine.

4. I've read the sex-education bill he's cited as a model and it is not what he or you are pretending it to be. It's social control, not concerned with the predatory issue. Read my earlier posts. I can't keep looking up references for you.

5. Obama just told a tax-burdened plumber he'd have to buck up because his intent is to spread the wealth around. The evidence of his redistribution of wealth plans is overwhelming.

6. Where the heck do you think the Fed is getting the money they're using to bail everyone out?

7. RE:Mindless fear of concepts is absurd and deserves ridicule. What an empty waste of words and rhetoric. I am neither mindless nor do I fear concepts. That is a job for libs who actually hide the facts and work hard to keep them out of the public arena. The fact that they are keeping out information you disagree with should be no reason for you to condone it.

8. Your defense of the biased/liberal press is simply laughable. I document it weekly. You rationalize it. That's your job as a leftist. :-D

9. There you go changing the subject about elites. Yu do it all the time.

10. Trust? Did you read my off the top of my head answers to the Tom Brokaw "moderated" debate? Did you watch the debate? I'd suggest you read my posts on all the debates, especially the one on the brilliant Joe Biden's gaffes.

11. Send me links to the actual posts on Ayers and ACORN you've read. Have you read mine?

I'm assuming you don't find fault with all the other information I presented in this post. You should say so directly. *LOL*


tniassaint October 13 2008, 21:11:03 UTC
Not gonna adress all of this -- no time today

as the kid gets bigger I run out of time

I did not even read the play book - so I guess I am a natural...

4 - I read it too... It wasn't anything ominous.

5 - redistribution of wealth is an amusing topic. Every time I buy a gallon of gas I redistribute a bit of wealth to some Despot

6 - Where are they getting it? Not from hard currency for one thing. Right now it is all on paper - it's still real money, but none of it cash. It is more a technical then political question. Didn't McCain vote in favor of the bail out?

10 - I did watch the last debate. I think Obama clearly won it, but McCain did ok. I disagree with him, and I think his skills in the debate environment are limited. I am all excited to see the fur fly on Wed... it is Wed this time isn't it?

I have read several of your posts on it. I do not memorize everything - I don't have time. If you want them - later I will dig some of them back out (would take more then a couple minutes - took some time to find them )

I would point by point down the post but I am pressed at the moment. Yes I do find fault with some of the info in the post, but happily. We are all entitled to opinions.

I really should do a "Things I like about McCain" Post just to show the fairness that is me. lol


metaphorsbwithu October 13 2008, 21:25:02 UTC
I don't want THE GODDAMNED GOVERNMENT tach sex education to little kids. I know what they want to teach!

I've told you all along it's all about the "S" word Mike. It's almost here. You should be happy. It's not amusing to me.

They're printing it, Mike. That's what they do. There is no money except in the hands of non-governmental entities who are holding onto it. Some are buying cheap stocks today. The market's up.

Obama repeated his stump speeches. Period. mcCain will not attack like he could. Obama gave him so many openings.

As long as the liberal moderators continue to ask stupid questions and not dig into issues that will embarrass Obama, he will continue to give canned mini-speeches. I'm sick of them.

And you said you were waiting for the debates to make up your mind. What a laugh!

Not one question on "Born Alive". Bill Ayers. ACORN and voter registration fraud. His 20 year association with Wright, Pfleger. Education reform in Chicago. His many lies and contradictory statements. A discussion of anything he's actually done. No. Just generic questions mostly, the kind you'd hear in a high school debate.

And don't tell me he's responded to those issues. His answers have been shown to be lies, and there have been no followups.

I know. You're not interested in any of that stuff. Some people are, but the media won't allow them to bring it up.

The fix is in, but will it work, or are Obama's opposition voters


metaphorsbwithu October 13 2008, 21:38:18 UTC
I forgot to say that you should write a post on what you see in Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Democrats. I'd MUCH rather read that.


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