there's no problem ... only solutions

Apr 15, 2008 10:33


Someone once said that liberals weren’t stupid; it’s just that everything they believe is wrong.

I don’t go that far, but I do condemn people for purposely spreading misinformation, and I lament that so many others are intellectually lazy and lack objective critical thinking.

People are rioting in many countries because of food shortages and high prices. There have always been famines and such due to nature and her droughts and pestilence and human behavior with it’s population growth (and the movement of people into cities for a piece of the action), lack of education, and the tendency of brutish dictators to spend more on arms than feeding their people.

The primary causes for this problem, however, are the liberal/progressive attitude that central control, regulations, and junk science work. They actually create more problems than they pretend to solve and, at least in this country, forbidding the drilling of oil and building refineries in the U.S. for almost 30 years have made us more and more dependent on world markets, sending hundreds of billions of currency out of the country and into the hands of people who wish no good for anyone but themselves.

Growing food for fuel? What a hoax! The corn it takes to fill a large car tank can feed a child for a year! Tell that to the farmers who have seen the price of corn triple over the last two years since the government ethanol mandates, and subsidies to keep consumer prices down have been passed.

Get ready ... the politicians and their comrades are getting ready to reap big rewards in their "green scheme" and the money will be coming out of your pockets and mine. They have to hurry too, you see, before real science proves they're all full of hot air.

Our leaders have sold us down the river for the almighty dollar. The stupidity of their actions and arrogance of their mindset have been mind-boggling. But I don’t blame them. They reflect in large part the people who keep electing them into office and allow them to do and say what they will without serious objection.

When candidates for the most powerful office in the world can repeatedly get by with their lies and sophistries, their anti-American, bigoted, condescending, insulting, pandering, class envy rhetoric, and the knee-jerk reaction is for their followers to jump to their defense instead of showing their disgust and challenging them to do better, we may have turned a corner and shut the gate behind us so securely we might find it impossible to retrace our steps.

I have often pondered at how this can be for so many people.

The one thing I see more of now than I’ve ever seen in my life than ever before is hate. As someone who has never really hated anyone or anything, I occasionally meditate on hatefulness and wonder why it exists so bountifully. I have come to this conclusion.

Although I’ve always been shy and self-conscious and have never had or wanted a whole lot (by American standards) I’ve always felt good about myself and always been aware of the good and the bad in people. Although I may not have had as much attention, as much money, as many things, seen as many places, I’ve always felt that, should I desire to do so, I could compete and match up with anyone on any number of things.

When I see hate … I see resentment as it’s first cousin … perhaps even a parent. You don’t generally hate people you feel equal or superior to. You might pity them or feel revulsion toward them, but not hate. When I see people who spew hate, who tear down others, who resent anything that is good or anyone who is successful, I see very small people who obviously lack self-esteem.

Hate and low self-esteem are often fuel for the kinds of movements we see today, and a sad commentary on the current presidential campaign where people who want to be self-sufficient, who respect the law, and who worship because they have faith and choose to acknowledge a higher power are snickered at and plotted against in elegantly-furnished mansions and smoky back rooms alike.

The smooth-talking elitists who look down on them bow down to their own gods, money, power, the good life, and all their planning, controlling, and conniving seem to bring us are higher prices, bigger government, less liberty, more regulation, and, for many, even lower self esteem and an increasingly higher misery index.

I’m sure those elites hate too, and well they should, because we are so much better than they are and they know it. That’s why they make fun of our traditional values and our love of individualism and our recognition of our God-given rights ... how they envy freedom you can't buy! How they resent that as they consort with each other, despising and loathing each other, and themselves.

They are to be pitied, not hated, but it’s time someone slap some sense into their pathetic little heads.

People asking questions lost in confusion,
Well I tell them there's no problem,
Only solutions,
Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I've lost my mind,
I tell them there's no hurry...
I'm just sitting here doing time


philosophy, meditation, current events

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