Title: How It Feels Author: sugarannie Format: Drabble Rating & Warnings: PG Word Count: 283 Summary: Tonks is pondering about different ways of feeling pain.
Title: Vincit Omnia Amor Author: captainraz Format: Drabble Rating & Warnings: G Word Count: 207 Summary: Remus’ insecurities aren’t just limited to his age, poverty and lycanthropy.
Title: Couldn’t Make You See Author: captainraz Format: Drabble Rating & Warnings: G Word Count: 371 Summary: Remus couldn’t make Tonks see that what he was doing was for her own good. Tonks couldn’t make Remus see that she didn’t care.
Title: Like A Poem Author: andacus Format: Drabble Rating & Warnings: R (implied sexual situation) Word Count: 183 Summary: Tonks considers Remus during a private moment. Set at Christmas - OotP.
Title: Morning Surprises Author: shwenny Format: Drabble Rating & Warnings: PG-13 for suggestive themes Word Count: 345 Summary: Remus only follows her orders when it suits him, it seems.
Title: Read My Lips Author: author_by_night Format: Drabble Rating & Warnings: PG-13 for innuendo Word Count: 400 Summary: Tonks finds an old diary and reconsiders old notions about male anatomy.