Story Title: Of Desire and the Status Quo
Chapter Title: Requiem for a Paradise Lost
Fandom(s): Supernatural, Dark Angel
Summary: In the end, it’s a complete accident that gets Dean Winchester out of Hell.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 5,621
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I neither own Supernatural nor Dark Angel. Just this.
Chapter 19 )
Comments 8
And don't worry, he will get some pain relief! Just a little bit longer, promise!
Of course I had to have Dean hum the music made of awesome. Even Hell can't beat that out of him! There will be substantially more Dean-Alec interaction to come. It's inevitable!
And how weird is it that the only transgenic to keep an open mind about there being more to the world that what's seen is Max?
As a quick question: we going to see Bobby in this fic?
I always say they don't spend enough time on the show having the boys suffer the consequences of being thrown around everywhere (Shadow anyone? No way could those claw marks fade that quickly!), so this is my retaliation. Dean won't be permanently hurt, however. (Physically hurt, anyhow...)
Bobby will be in this fic...sort of. You'll have to wait and see. ;)
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