We officially declare posting... open!

Oct 08, 2007 12:34

Before you all rush off to post your art and fics, please take a minute to read through this post and re-acquaint yourself with the posting format and a couple of other rules.

First off, there are a few people who've signed up but haven't yet joined as members, and we can't grant you posting access until you do. So please could the following hit that membership button on the profile page and then all will be well!

_wearethetime (We're sorry but we've had to make your tag without the underscore at the front. LJ doesn't seem to allow it now. So we'd be grateful if you could tag your work wearethetime. :))

Posting guidelines:

Posting opens today - so if you're ready, go for it! - and will stay open until Sunday 14th. The prompts for the second round will be issued here on the 18th.

All posts must include the following header:

Rating & Warnings:
Word Count:
Author’s Notes:

Or if you’re an artist:

Rating & Warnings:
Summary:(if desired)
Artist's Notes:

Please bear in mind that any warnings, summaries and author's notes need to be rated PG-13 or lower, otherwise it sort of defeats the object. ;)

Post the body of the fic/art under an LJ Cut. Rich Text Mode has been decidedly temperamental lately - in fact, most problems experienced when posting have been when people have tried to post in rich text with tags, so we really recommend you use Plain Text Mode. We've got two graphics under the cuts to show you step-by-step what that entails if you're unfamiliar with it, and they're here and also here.


Please tag each entry with your username, genre(s) and if your art has a genre, please use that tag, too. Remember, most of your mods are Brits (and we’re gradually corrupting the other one;)) so the humour tag does include the U! Artists, please also tag your posts with 'art'.

It would help us greatly if you would all also use the tag ‘all hallows’ moon jumble’. Note the pesky apostrophe! (We solemnly swear to try and have a simple name for the next one;)).

We'd like to request that you do not post your Jumble fics/art elsewhere until the event is over. You may, of course, post a link from your own journal.

Watchers, members, participants and lurkers - we'd all love you to read, look at and review the creative efforts that are going to be posted over the next month. Feedback is always appreciated by the authors and artists.

If you have any questions at all, please leave a comment to this post or email a mod (our addresses are on the community info page).

Good luck, hope the writing and drawing is going well, and we’re looking forward to seeing all of your efforts :D.

So without further ado, let the posting commence!

posting format, all hallows' moon jumble, community info

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