It's a Happy Birthday to....

Aug 16, 2007 14:42

It’s a special occasion today, which we hope you’ll all join us in celebrating, as metamorfic_moon is one year old!

Like any growing child, we’ve worried a lot about her - most importantly, was she going to be all on her own forever? But, happily, no, because mrstater and godricgal were ecstatic when those first members/watchers arrived, and they realized they were soon going to have a Weasley-sized clan on their hands. From the start Meta (it's her equivalent of being called Tonks, instead of Nymphadora;)) was always keen to give parties for her pals and stay up late (four jumbles/advents/showdowns so far and counting). She’s also an avid talker (far too many discussions to count) and absolutely loves to read, write and, most recently, draw. And now a full year on, she has two more mods in ladybracknell and gilpin25 to help look after her, a not-so little sister, metamorphed_fic, who looks after all the links to the R/T fics posted here, and some elsewhere too, an affiliate in thegoldenseeker, and those members, watchers, lurkers and friends of Remus and Tonks just keep on coming. We very much hope they always will… :)

So in order to celebrate with us, and to thank our old friends and welcome in the new, you’re all invited to partake of a Birthday Meme, which you’ll find below. Please note there are spoilers in the questions/answers, just in case you somehow haven’t quite got round to reading some book or other. ;)

And talking of celebrating, blackunicorn777, who was one of the very talented artists who took part in the recent showdown, has done a fabulous picture we thought you’d all like to see. It’s Remus and Tonks in their own inimitable cowboy style!

(Blackunicorn777's celebratory R/T picture)

1. What's your screenname and what does it mean?

2. How did you first find out about Metamorfic_Moon?

3. If you had to describe yourself in five words, what would they be?

4. Name three ways you know you're far too obsessed with R/T.

5. When and how did you get your hands on Deathly Hallows? Did you go to a release party? Wear a costume? Read it all night? Wait for the mail and read it slowly over a couple of days?

6. What was your favourite scene from DH?

7. If you could ask JKR to write just one missing R/T scene, which would it be?

8. Has DH affected what you want to write about? Has, for example, the amount of off-page action with characters like Luna, Neville and Ginny made you more inclined to write gen? Or are there so many untold R/T stories that that's enough to keep you going for the foreseeable?

9. Are you feeling better about the fate of R/T or still coming to terms with it? What are your future fic/art plans and do they include a certain Teddy Lupin at all?

10. Where do you prefer to archive your fics? Do you keep a fic journal?


discussion, meme

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