What's Next For Meta and R/T Fic?

Aug 30, 2007 23:30

Howdy, y'all… Whoops, sorry, wrong challenge -- that cowboy talk is hard to shake. ;)

Speaking of which, we've been doing a bit of redecoration over at metamorfic_moon; it's all stars and moons and nary a cowboy or a horse in sight.

Our plans for the next year at Meta are taking shape, and we're very pleased to announce that the next metamorfic_moon Jumble, The All Hallows' Moon Jumble will take place from the 1st - 31st of October 2007, with a seasonal Halloween theme. Artists and writers will be invited to sign up very shortly, so keep your eyes peeled!

In the meantime we have a new discussion for you…

It's getting on for six weeks since the release of Deathly Hallows and a number of you have taken part in at the latest rt_challenge, as writers or readers. Have you written/drawn what you'd planned or have you surprised yourself? Is it easy to read/write/draw DH or are you focusing on the other books? Has inspiration been easy to find?

Note: there may be DH spoilers in comments to this post. metamorfic_moon's spoiler policy expires tomorrow, after that, you may find spoilers in the main body of posts here at Meta.

post-dh writing, discussion, all hallows' moon jumble, community info

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