Tickle Monsters

Feb 14, 2007 06:30

Title: Tickle Monsters
Author: godricgal
Prompt: Tickle Monster
Format/Word Count: Ficlet, 688
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: When Tonks decided to teach Remus a lesson, things got a little out of hand. What happens when Remus decides enough is enough?
Author’s Notes: Many thanks to my wonderful beta.

Tickle Monsters

“This has gone far enough, Tonks.” Remus glared at her, slightly bent over, hands resting on his thighs and still a little breathless.

Tonks considered him for a moment. “Yes, you’re probably right. The situation’s got worse, not better.”

“That situation is entirely your own fault, and it serves you right. But it’s hardly the same as being assaulted every five minutes.” Remus took a couple of steps backwards and flopped down to the settee.

“It was your fault in the first place! If you’d not been such a bloody stubborn bastard, it wouldn’t have happened, would it?”

“Forgive me if I happen to like the name Nymphadora.” Immediately Remus regretted his words as invisible fingers began an unrelenting assault on his sides. He doubled over; snatching breaths where he could, just managing to gasp, “Tonks, make it stop.”

Knowing that the game was over, and that perhaps she had pushed it a bit further than she’d intended, (she certainly hadn’t anticipated Sirius using her joke as a weapon to wind Remus up, and definitely hadn’t imagined that her tickling charm might be invoked during an Order meeting when Dumbledore addressed her in Remus’ presence) Tonks whipped out her wand and cried, “Finite Incantem.”

It was with relief that Remus took a deep and shuddering breath as instantly the charm was lifted.

“Do you promise you’ll never use that ghastly name again?” Tonks asked, wand dangling from her hand at her side.

“Do you promise that you’ll never hex me again?”

“It wasn’t a hex, just a little charm,” Tonks argued.

“A little charm that’s had me incapacitated every time someone says your name and embarrassed me in front of the entire Order!”

There was something in his tone that told Tonks he really was just a little bit upset with her, as much as he’d gone along with the joke in the first place, the little incident at the meeting had truly embarrassed him.

“I’m sorry,” she said, “I didn’t think about that.”

Remus huffed and folded his arms across his chest. If bloody Snape hadn’t been at the meeting, he’d have found it as funny as Tonks and Sirius had seemed to.

“I’m really sorry?” Tonks crossed the room to him, then plopped down in his lap, her legs straddling his thighs.

He didn’t meet her eyes, but his hands instantly rose to her hips. Tonks knew that he must be on his way to forgiving her, and Remus knew that he could never be cross with her for long.

And then, a sneaky thought crossed Remus’ mind. If he just raised his hands a little, they’d be in the perfect place to exact a little revenge.

His hands moved slowly up her sides, squeezing gently and letting his nails graze her skin.

Just as Tonks started to let go and lose herself to the sensations his touch could offer, he dug his fingers into her ribs and tickled her, causing her to omit a shriek of laughter and a sharp gasp for breath.

“Remus!” she squealed, and tried to wriggle away from him; but in a flash, Remus lifted her and lowered her back to the couch, settling between her thighs as his fingers continued their merciless pursuit.

But as she moved beneath him, Remus realised that there were far better things he could be doing to her while they were in this position. Within seconds, Tonks’ ragged breathing came though hitched breaths, rather than though laughter, as Remus’ hands grazed the side of her breasts.

Her body, rather than writhing beneath him, trying to escape his mischievous fingers, arched and rose into his touch. “I take it you’ve forgiven me,” she managed to whisper.

“Oh, yes,” Remus replied, pressing his lips to the curve of her neck, “but I still need to get my own back properly.”

"How do you plan to do that?"

He raised his head and looked at her; his eyes sparkled with a mixture of playfulness and want before he leant down again to trace the outline of her ear with his tongue. “I’ll be taking this very, very slowly.”

romantic comedy, lovers' moon fic jumble, godricgal

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