Dumbsit Driving Awards

Jul 13, 2005 10:59

Today I'd like to bring you a special entry of my Dumbshit journal. I feel the need to give two special awards to two drivers out there in the world. Your idiocy is sure to inspire us all, and deserves to be immortalized in this journal. Then I'll get off my throne of being above those who have performed deeds of stupid, and place myself once again with my subjects with my own story.

The silver medal goes to the lady who ran the red light. Oh how she ran the red light... then realized what she had done and stopped in the middle of the intersection... then went a little further... then stopped again... then finally continued on through the light. I'm sure everyone there would be in agreement: that was worth the extra 2 min of wait.

And the gold goes to another lady, who obviously cannot tell the difference between the green arrow in the lane next to her, and a solid red circle in her lane. The turn lane light goes green, and she decides to go blasting forth through the intersection... and then just stops in the middle of it. Everyone is simply waiting for her to continue to complete her premature passing through the intersection so everyone can continue with their driving experience, but alas, she goes into reverse... and now is protruding out in the middle of the intersection causing a hazard for everyone. Joy!

But this brings me to my own experience of dumb shittery. I was heading towards the gym and was in the turn lane behind two gigantic mac trucks. Well, I couldn't see the light. So I just followed suit behind the trucks, and then "oh shit" I saw the light was a nice bright red. Stiumulus generalization kicked in and I stopped. Well that would've been grand if my Ranger didn't have it's nose sticking out into oncoming traffic and the douche behind me was too close for me to back up. So I got to be entertained by the 5-8 faces of horror as people went flying towards me, saw that I was sticking out, and quickly moved to the other lane. Remember kids, consistant near death experiences build character!
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