(no subject)

Aug 11, 2004 21:54

I accidently cut myself with an exacto knife. It's very very shallow cut, it barely got blood, but it spread out weird. The spot kinda looks like a bug bite. Which confuses me. I would think it'd be a small line, not a bit circle of blood underneath. Hmm. I keep having my attention drawn to it like "Whoa, what's that! Bug bite? DAMMIT! Oh, wait, nevermind."

I find that when I don't like to think, making icons and organizing things is good therapy. Especially the organizing things. I did photo album and letter box and stuff today. Also I learned how to use brushes. But it's silly to get started on this now when I'm never going to make icons after I make my fifteen and I go to college.

Oh wait, we're avoiding that subject, duh.

I keep getting emails from American Blinds Wallpaper and More for my DAD. I don't want his emails in my email folder, ew. Burn, burn.

Maybe Star Wars tomorrow with Margaret?? I hope so. Marathon, woo hoo.
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