(no subject)

Aug 10, 2004 13:40

I got a package from Lauren. It had CDs in it, Bree Sharp and Aqua. I have been listening to Bree Sharp and she's cool. I finally realized who it is she reminds me of.. Sandra Bullock. I don't know why. I like the title of one of her CDs: More BS. Which is funny. Because her initials are BS but it could ALSO be BS, isn't that funny?

I thought so.

In conclusion, Lauren is awesome.

Mary gave me two Nintendo games for letting her borrow the Nintendo. They are a Sesame Street game and a skateboarding game. I want to play the Sesame Street game cuz it looks really funny.

So I'm easily amused...

In conclusion, Mary is awesome.

Hoorah. I'm hungry now, so I'm going to eat something. Mmmm.. Honey Crunch Corn Flakes. Then I'm off to play my Nintendo. I feel like playing the Sesame Street game, then maybe some Zelda. Mmm. Zelda.

Crap, now do I use my Nintendo icon, my Link icon, or my GEEK icon?

Edit: Bree Sharp used the word "genuflecting" in her song! *jumps up in joy*

friends: lauren, friends: troy kids, music: general love

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