
Jan 24, 2007 17:04

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tv: veronica mars, yay geekery!

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dragonnite55555 January 24 2007, 22:40:57 UTC

So of course, when you mentioned the whole looking up the triforce on google image. I had to do a search. Of course, I actually looked up the Klingon special symbol thingie and not the triforce. Because...I dunno. It reminded me of it? I think it's a cool symbol.

I might consider getting a tattoo, but I'd probably start crying at the very beginning of the putting it on and wouldn't be able to continue. So I'd have, like, just a random dot/line somewhere on my body. And I probably wouldn't get a refund.

I haven't been keeping up with VM. *cough* Yay Netflix? My queue is pretty crazy. ...and I haven't returned Red Dragon yet 'cause I keep meaning to check out the extra features, but I keep forgetting/being busy. Oops.

YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO WHAT SAMEERA SAID ABOUT THE PI THING!!! Dude, if I ever go to where you work, I'm totally ordering a large cup of coffee (Or if there's anything else the same price, probably that instead since I doubt I'd like the coffee)! AND I WILL BE VERY DISAPPOINTED IF YOU DON'T MAKE THE PI COMMENT!!!

Me be wanting teh HI pic post soon. ALSO, I've now finished parts 2 and 3 of the Halloween fic. My favorite line so far is "Sam watched her ascend and thought to herself, God, she’s hot. Wait. What?" I also <3ed the internal interview Sam had with herself. Yay!


metalphoenix January 25 2007, 06:00:43 UTC
I do not know this Klingon special symbol thingie. Link?

Yeah, I think I would pretty much die from the pain. Uh. Oh well.

This was the first new episode in a really long time. So... I don't know how far behind you are but yeah. Yay VM!

Haha, I would, but I know no one would get it. Maybe if someone I knew came in, I would.

Yay Halloween! (Even though it's probably the least awesome of her fics. Not that it's not still awesome.)


dragonnite55555 January 25 2007, 11:27:39 UTC

I've seen, like, none of Season 3.

I'm going to read Fake Plastic Trees next.


metalphoenix January 25 2007, 19:25:32 UTC
Ah I see.

Well, make sure you do your homeworks too! I don't want you to feel like you have to read fic :/


dragonnite55555 January 25 2007, 22:12:07 UTC
Well, I really haven't been doing much of my homework. But that actually has nothing to do with fics. It has to do with lack of wanting to do hw. But, I mean, tomorrow I'm not going to have math class, and it wouldn't surprise me if I don't have chem class because they're both full of juniors and they have a special all day assembly tomorrow. So at least 2, if not 3, free periods tomorrow. ^_^ I've been distracted a lot lately. Right now with extra essay-type thing/rhetorical analysis that I want to do for fun.


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