(no subject)

Jan 24, 2007 17:04


Yesterday's Veronica Mars was awesome, yay. I'm so happy with season 3; I don't know what's going on. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

I also got to play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess yesterday. I played for five and a half hours and I'm still only in the middle of the first Temple. Um. The game is AWESOME though.

Speaking of Zelda, I was talking to my sister about Hawaii, and how AJ and Lauren wanted me to get a tattoo, but I couldn't think of anything important or cool enough to actually even consider it. But she suggested Zelda. To prove to you how much of a geek I am? I ACTUALLY considered a Triforce.


Also? While I was in Chicago, Sameera told me that the next time a customer gives me a $5 for a large cup of coffee ($1.86), I have to give them their change and say, "here is your approximation of pi." (I didn't.) (But I really wanted to.)

Anyway. I told Kim I'd give you a poll on the Triforce thing. Because we agree I'm a dork and I should be proud of it.


Edit: The link to the triforce pic died:

P.S. If you google image search "triforce," interesting porn comes up. .. yeah.

P.P.S. Hawaii photo post will be coming, eventually.

tv: veronica mars, yay geekery!

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