(no subject)

May 10, 2006 17:52

Okay, I'll do it. My Veronica Mars season finale reaction post. Because as much as I decry it, I still love Veronica Mars.* Especially this episode, woo!

The scene in the office between Keith and Veronica was so true to character. Veronica takes her pain and shoves it away; Keith tells her to not obsess as he does himself. Also, "Aaron Echolls will get his justice in his own way." Heee.

Vanlow stepping forward to reveal being in prison was AWESOME.

It amuses me that even though Gia is kind of integral to finding Woody (through use of her phone) and even though nearly everyone else EVER is in this episode.. Gia isn't.

How much did I love that Alternate Universe Graduation dream? A HELL OF A LOT.
    Veronica going to San Diego State (Lilly's death motivated more than her detective skills).
    Lamb wearing the crime-fighting K-9 suit.
    Veronica being SO gullible about that Wallace story.
    Wallace wearing GLASSES and his "Oh, you're one of those."
    AND LILLY! VASSER! LILLY IN VASSER! LILLY IN VASSER FOOLING AROUND WITH GIRLS. That's so Lilly. "You'll see. *eyebrow raise*" That's even more Lilly. <3<3<3 Lilly's appearance alone would have made this episode amazing.

Not letting Weevil graduate? EVIL. The poor kid. Man Lamb's a dick. Though HEE at Dick not graduating either. Bet you wish you had done that egg project now, huh. Aww to the Principal Clemmons and Veronica scene. Hehehe. I'm wondering if the fact that Veronica didn't get Valedictorian at the ceremony means for certain she didn't get it. I assumed after she skipped out on her one final, but then I wonder how she even passed that class at all...

Jackie not being rich? Not a really big deal, but still... she did prissy bitch so well in the beginning of the season. Surprise! But eh, I care about thismuch for the Jackie storyline.

Woody trying to justify himself to Keith, his delusions were very realistic. But yeah, how obvious was the fact that they were foreshadowing SOMETHING with that plane?

Okay, one of the things I didn't like about this episode was how QUICKLY she jumped to the conclusion that Cassidy was responsible for the crash. But, I'm okay with that, Veronica Mars is smarter than me.

Mac: It's liquid, it's courage, it's liquid courage. <3

The fact that Dick knows enough about D&D to make a joke about it makes me question his non-geekiness.

Okay, so what exactly WAS Cassidy doing with a gun? I mean.. did he honestly plan THAT well for any and all possibilities?

Ohhhh do I hate Aaron.

Okay, another thing I didn't like about the episode.. Beaver raping Veronica. I mean, it makes sense with his emotional issues and crap, but it just seemed too contrived.

I love how Veronica is stupid enough to text Mac saying "Beaver is a killer" while Mac is WITH him, but smart enough to text Logan while Beaver is right there. It makes her unpredictable.

"He killed my father!" - Is it bad that that made me laugh? It was just so.. yeah.

Okay, favorite line of the episode: "My name is CASSIDY." The way he jumps... Yeah, I loved that part.

Oh man, Veronica finding Mac in the corner, naked and crying. <3<3<3 Poor Mac.

Who isn't surprised Aaron gets laid first day he's out? And who isn't surprised that it's with Kendall?

One of the best scenes: Duncan on the beach with Lilly, Jr. confirming that her namesake has been avenged. Yes, thank you.

Oh how I so don't care about Jackie. I just love me my Wallace.

That scene on the couch, with Veronica being held by Logan. miss_katelynne posted that the pose of the two of them mirrors almost exactly Michaelangelo's Pieta. I didn't notice that, but I did notice how uncomfortable Veronica looks. We were dicussing the implications of that and I find myself thinking it's more or less a combination of the idea that Veronica is guarded and uncomfortable revealing herself, but is still needy.

Veronica finding Logan making the bacon... yeah, watch me be COMPLETELY okay with Logan hugging her there. But at the same time, completely contrived. I find it unrealistic that no one would tell Keith that Woody's plane had been blown up. Or that Logan wouldn't have noticed and told her immediately.

Heh, Phoenix Land Trust. Cassidy is so smart. Oh, Cassidy.

So, I was shocked to find myself not minding that Logan and Veronica were together again. I think it's because I thought it was all so in character. Logan clings to people, he needs their attention and he needs to feel loved and needed himself. That was clear when they first got together, he needed Veronica after his mom died, and he felt needed when he came to her rescue. Veronica on the other hand, clearly pushes down her worries, tries to find escape in anything other than what's bothering her. She was about to sleep with Logan last year when she found out the truth about her rape. Uh, yeah, anyway.. long-winded reasoning to why I don't mind that they're together for now. Even though it's so a bad idea.

Yes, and that is my detailed analysis. All in all though, I liked it! Much better than last season's I think. Well, I didn't like last season's very much, so I guess that's not much of a compliment. But it was good. Yay for that! Anyone else have an opinion?

*this viewpoint subject to change.

fandom: general, tv: veronica mars

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