Had this entry been written on Friday afternoon, it would have been incredibly emo and probably friends-locked. Had this entry been written on Friday evening, it would have been still pretty emo, but with less intensity and an aside to my love for my friends. But instead, this entry was written today. And it shall be reminescint of emo with a large portion devoted to my love for my friends tinged with a ray of hope.
What a difference a day makes.
So. First the drama-rama. Friday morning: Latin class. Not been doing so hot grade-wise. Teacher gets up in front of class and tells us it is the last day for us to drop without academic review and pretty much tells a group of people (including me) to drop now or we fail. For reasons I don't want to get into now, me dropping this class would have been like.. the worst thing ever. But I saw no choice.
Decide to try to add another class even though it's ridiculously late in the quarter to even consider such a thing. E-mail best teacher I've ever had (next to Magistra and Wallace) and beg her to let me add her other class even though it's so late. She agrees since she has me right now and thinks I could handle it. Have her send email to Dean Weimer who is in charge of that sort of thing. Go to his office. Talk to him for all of three seconds before he crushes any and all hope that I could possibly add that class.
Call up the sister-figure and cry to her asking for advice.
Drop Latin.
Realize transferring to U of M is not so distant of a thought anymore.
Cry some more. (this is all really a lot bigger of a deal than it sounds. It's pretty much... my entire life.)
And that's when things started looking up. I woke up to a noise in my room, SEA was putting the prettiest flowers ever in my room along with a HUGE bag of happiness. I'm talking like.. HAPPINESS. Cherry Pepsi, chips, Serenity poster, Mario t-shirt, a barista action figure, V for Vendetta the comic book, I'm probably forgetting something. And the sweetest card. After that I go to a show with Elizabeth and Amanda. I think, well, even if I've ruined my future, I've got awesome friends.
Wake up and go to work where Chane was better than Monday/Tuesday but still ridiculous. It doesn't bother me half so much because I think, really, what does it matter?
Get back, find out my friends have planned a day full of more happiness. We go to the comic book store for Free Comic Book Day, go out to eat (where Yooney does some super-sneaky spy thing and ends up paying for it), and go see Thank You For Smoking which was pretty funny.
Get back, figure, yeah, I have pretty damn awesome friends.
Enter Sameera and Elizabeth, acting very nervous and frightening me with talk of "Please don't be mad Ami, we love you a little too much."
Turns out, they decided to take matters into their own hands yesterday afternoon, while I was busy bemoaning my situation. First the went to every Dean ever and asked about "hypothetical situations" such as if a "hypothetical student" could add another class even though it was so late. Deans all said no, not if I "the hypothetical student" hadn't been attending the entire time. They start to lose hope, but then they decide to go for the big finish, and go talk to the previously mentioned Latin teacher. For like an hour and a half. Latin teacher tells them if I come in to talk to him, and do the extra credit verses, he'll pass me. With a B. WITH A B!
Sit and stare in awe at them.
If I talk to him, if I do a lot of work and try super super super hard to get better grades on the quizzes, if I do the extra credit and memorize the 70 lines, I CAN GET A B. AND PASS THE CLASS. AND YEAH.
So.. yeah. All in all, things were pretty horrible yesterday, future dim and hopes lost, misery galore.. with no one but myself to blame. Tonight? Hope shines anew and with only my FRIENDS to thank.
How did I get so lucky?