(no subject)

Nov 25, 2005 02:42

Okay, fun times update.

Wednesday I saw Emily (You should all know her LJ name by now, but still dragonnite55555) and we got to hang out for a long time which rocked. Alone, this time. *wink wink* Unfortunately the whole not sleeping for extended periods of time made me kind of random and out of it, but I wasn't falling asleep or anything. Too much. Except when I was lying on my bed. That was a bad idea.

It was fun though, we walked around campus to look at it and stuff, and went into Evanston to show her the cool comic store. We came back and hung out with a couple friends, namely Yooney and Amanda. We talked to Kira for a bit too. Then I went to class, and when I returned, we spent the next two hours trying to decide what to do and ended up just talking. Then we went to dinner at this interesting stir fry place.

I'm going to see her again on Saturday, and we're going to go around Chicagotown. Namely Belmont. Unless it's freezing, which it just might be. Since tonight it's 10 below with windchill. YUM.

After she left, I watched Veronica Mars (another great episode) and then crashed. FOR AGES. I slept through like four phone calls from AJ. And I didn't wake up until my sister called at 10:45. I told her I'd call her back, but we kept missing each other.

At around 1, Amanda came to the dorms to pick me up, and we headed to her house. I met her family and we set the table and stuff and talked for a while until her godparents showed up. Then we had dinner! Which rocked and was very yummy. I think Amanda made the potatoes special for me, because they were exactly how I like them. And the corn was delicious, and so was the stuffing (er.. dressing, since it wasn't cooked in the turkey) and the green bean casserole. Dude, that was so much food. I don't know how you can have all that AND turkey. After an hour or so, we finished up with some delicious pie. Mmmm good dinner. We all talked for a bit, and then Amanda, her brother Danny and I watched Firefly and talked. It was awesome.

I hope everyone had as good of a Thanksgiving as I did. Even if you did eat turkey.

friends: sea yak, friends: emily, tv: veronica mars

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