(no subject)

Nov 23, 2005 04:05

Ahhh, this week has been crazy. Ami's schedule:

Saturday: Up at 9 to go on Latin field trip to Field museum; go to aunt's house at 4 and stay up til 2:30 doing Chem
Sunday: Wake up at 8:30 to see all the relatives, get to dorm at 2; study until 4:30.
Monday: Wake up at 7, take evil orgo midterm; sleep for a good 4 hours; go to work; stay up til 7 doing Asian American project (Whole big story there)
Tuesday: Wake up at 10:30, go to class until 12:30; do lab report; go turn in lab report; come back and do more project; go to work; stay up til 2:30 finishing project; take shower; do LJ entry

To do: Latin homework. SLEEP. Wake up at 7:30 and go to class.

And I can't crash tomorrow either, because Emily, dragonnite55555 is going to visit me! But that is exciting news, and I'll be all pumped from that and won't notice that I'm sleepy. That will be awesome. We're going to do stuff... I don't exactly know what, but stuff will be involved. Definitely we'll go into town and see some shops, and definitely we'll see the campus, since that's technically what the visit's supposed to be about. I might take her to Latin class, if she wants to come.

But, since Emily was coming up to visit, I totally wasn't expecting to get anything in the mail from her. I should know better. She sent me a package! In it included a TON of manga. Seriously, so much I ran out of room on my bookshelf. Woo. She also sent me this DVD-RW of random stuff including music and video. Plus I got this completely adorable card, and some origami she made. I had a lot of fun with the packing peanuts.. they would NOT stop clinging to me. I couldn't throw them away and they stayed on me forever.

I would have listened and watched some of the DVD if it weren't for that stupid project. I would complain about it, but what's the point? It's done now. Wee!

But yea, that's your quick update of the life of Ami. I'm sure you're so excited you're peeing.

school: nu, friends: emily

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