(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 19:53

Hello and greetings to ALL. Today was my first day of work!! How EXCITING. I work at the Plaza Cafe, the little coffee/pastry shop in the library. I learned how to use the fancy schmancy electronic register, and how to make different kinds of coffee that I so totally don't remember how to do. My supervisor is nice, even if she continuously says "girl, blah blah blah, aw, girl, you know, girl.." etc. It's okay though. The day was REALLY slow. I guess not that many people study on the first Saturday back when there's a home game. But that's good for me to train.

Erin told me about this awesome website. Postcardx. It's this site where you can randomly find people to mail things to. And you can put your address up and they'll mail things to you! I think this is cool for people in dorms, because it's less creepy. But if you're comfortable putting your home address up, you should totally do it. It'll be COOL. After I get the stuff I'm supposed to send out to my friends, I'm going to find someone off there to send stuff to. It's the spiff.

It's only 7:30 but it's already super dark outside and I feel so tired. I really need to get my sleeping schedule back to normal. And to quit taking naps.

Here is a random picture for your enjoyment. If I had a camera, you'd get this every post. I WILL GET A CAMERA IF IT KILLS ME.

I like lots of sauce on my burrito.

P.S. It's September 24th. That means there is only FOUR DAYS until the Veronica Mars premiere. You all know how I feel about Veronica Mars. I want you ALL to start watching. I can understand not wanting to watch in the middle of a season when it's a mystery show, but this is a new season, with a new mystery. A few things will carry over, but those can be easily understood. PLEASE watch and support the show. If you have a Nielson box, I IMPLORE you, turn your set onto UPN. I doubt any of you do, but if you do, really, really, please.. UPN. The show needs it. I understand some of you like Lost and you don't want to miss it. PLEASE tape it. Or tape VM and get into the fandom so that UPN can see it has a winner here. The show is amazing, it really is. The characters, the plots, the twists, the relationships, the dialogue. It's all brilliant. I would go on, but other people can say it so much better than me.

Go here for bitter_crimson's season 1 summary and guide. It'll help you get prepared for the second season. WARNING: Spoilery! VERY MUCH SO! If you don't want to know the answer to Season 1 mysteries, DO NOT GO THERE. Instead, talk to me, and I'll give you a synopsis without answers, or send you somewhere where you can watch the episodes and find out yourself.

You'll love it. I guarantee it. If you don't, I'll give you your money back. What's that you say? It's free? Well then what have you got to lose?!

work: plaza cafe, internet: the internet is fun!, pics: random, tv: veronica mars, friends: kim

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