(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 04:29

I want to decorate my room with posters and stuff. Right now all I have is:

-A bumper sticker: Kerry Edwards: A Stronger America
-Another bumper sticker: Be Kind To Animals.. Don't Eat Them
-A sticker: Caution: Sarcastic and Cynical
-Another sticker: Lead me not into temptation (I can find the way myself)
-A rainbow support ribbon
-A strip of stickers
-An old AOL cd upside down

Hopefully my Sarah McLachlan Afterglow promotional poster from Borders and my Lord of the Rings poster which I actually don't like very much will come tomorrow with my stuff from my uncle's. I can put those up! But that still leaves a LOT of space.

I was thinking of putting some of my old tickets (movie theaters, games, plays, concerts, etc.) up onto the brick part of the wall.. but then I thought they might rip when I took them down. I then thought of pictures and things, but those are at home, because I'm dumb. But I can get someone to bring them to me soon. Then I thought of printing stuff off.. like random quotes or poetry or whatever and putting those up. Then I seriously considered buying some posters from online. Sarah McLachlan's site has this really cool Mirrorball one for 3 bucks but I don't have a payment set up thing. I might do later though. Or buying them from some shop in Chicago or from the bookstore when they do a sale. So after all these thoughts, I had no idea what to do. So I decided to make a poll, BECAUSE I CAN.

Poll White Space


school: nu, posts: polls, music: general love

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