Today was stressful for a variety of reasons.
However, I did get my car registration renewed with no difficulty!
I also mowed the entire front lawn, and the weed killer seemed to have worked pretty well. I didn't mow the back lawn but I inspected it and I think it'll be fine. I also may have gotten my first bee sting ever. I'm not sure if it was actually a bee, but something nailed me pretty good in the leg. I didn't swell up or die, and I really appreciate that.
Sadly, I still need to finish packing, and I'll need to get up at 3:30 am to catch a flight. I'm expecting all kinds of problems because there are thunderstorms in the morning forecast. So my flight may be canceled, or delayed, or take off in the middle of a storm. If we do end up taking off through a raging thunderstorm again, I just hope I'm in a bigger plane this time. @_@
Under the best of circumstances, I'm going to travel for about 7 hours, then arrive at roughly 11:30 am (pacific time) and work the rest of the day on some not-so-fun stuff. Oh, and I only got 5 hours of sleep last night. Joy.
In other news, this shit is hilarious:
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So is this:
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