Nov 07, 2008 10:44
Heh, I just had a 20 minute conversation with a crazy lady. Well, it wasn't really a conversation because she pretty much talked the whole time. Every once and a while I would mutter a "yeah" or "mmm-hmm." I could have just hung up on her, but I was bored and it was fun to listen.
I work for a non-profit organization, and this is the time of year when we ask for donations. We send letters to our previous donors, but we also buy a list of names to try and get new donors. I always get calls from people who are pissed off and want their name removed from the list immediately. This morning, a woman called asking where we got the list because a letter came to her daughter and the daughter doesn't live with her anymore. I asked her to give me the daughter's name and the address so I could make sure they were removed from the list, but she didn't want to (I ended up googling her phone number and found the address, so I can remove it anyway).
I'm probably the only one who finds this amusing, but I'm going to try and summarize some of the things she talked about. First she asked if Warren Buffett donates to us and she complained that he's so rich and doesn't have to pay taxes and now he's going to be Obama's adviser. What advice could he possibly give? The future vice president, Joe Biden, has never had a job outside of politics, so he has always been paid by taxpayer money which is bad. Now he wants to hire his son, but not the one who was killed in the car crash. At one point she was talking about our current vice president and stopped in the middle of a sentence to say, "Did you know that his daughter is a lesbian? And she just had a baby. I wonder where she got the semen from." Random. Then it was back to her complaints about the government and rich people.
She also managed to tell me a bit about herself, like how she's from Transylvania/Romania and can still speak Saxon. She mentioned that in German, Transylvania means "seven castles." She might be related to Queen Elizabeth and Charles, but not Camilla. When she was 12 she and her sister had to work on farms milking cows. "Why can't poor people do that now? Oh yeah, machines probably do that stuff." When she was a kid, cats were only allowed in the house to kill mice and dogs were kept outside as guards. She doesn't understand why people have pets (her 3 children do) and gets angry when animal shelters ask her for donations. She calls them up and tells them that we should help humans before animals. She also described herself as an Austrian refugee, and she came over to the U.S. in the sixties and eventually became a citizen. She had to get a sponsor and was told to only speak English because it would make Americans angry if they heard her speaking another language. She bitched about the "illegals" here and how children of immigrants can take classes in school in their own language and don't have to speak English.
Seriously, she talked for about 20 minutes. She kept saying, "I better let you go. You must think I'm nuts." But then she would bring up another subject and keep talking and talking and talking. And I just listened and laughed to myself.
crazy people,