May 24, 2007 13:46
The semester is finally over! I graduate next week (the 31st) at the MassMutual Center. I can't wait. I highly doubt I will be doing Web Programming. It's not fun anymore. I was in the beginning, but now it's just boring. At least I'll have something to fall back on, eh? I dunno what I wanna do. I love music, maybe something involving that? I can't play an instrument, but so? I mean, I wanna take up bass and probably will before the end of the year, if I'm lucky. I found out my final grades and they are as follows:
Internet Multimedia - A
Flash - A
US History - B
Database - C
Speaking of music, I just picked up the new Ozzy Osbourne and Dark Tranquillity CDs. Ya'll know who Ozzy is, if you don't, I am going to slap you. It's like Jesus. Everyone knows who he is. Dark Tranquillity is a Death Metal. It's like Black Metal, just without the Satanic references. They're probably one of the heaviest, yet have the most melody of any Death or Black Metal band I know. It's not just loud guitars and drums being pounded. There are actually guitar solos, drum solos and pretty good vocals. The vocals, of course, are the growling type. Knock the growling all you want, but that shit takes hardcore talent. I mean, can you do that without blowing you vocal cords? And yes, you can understand the singer. With the new Ozzy CD, I got yet another code for OzzFest tickets, which brings the total count to four. Meaning, I can get 8 tickets if I use all the codes. The codes I got off line can be used starting 6-12, while the one that came with the Ozzy CD can be used starting at 9 pm on 6-8.
Godsmack concert tomorrow... will let ya'll know how it is!
Love & Respect
- Josh