Jun 10, 2010 23:41
I'm starting to feel a little more at peace with the volleyball coaching situation despite a few things that have happened the last two days.
1) a two-year player of mine was upset to see me at summer girls basketball practice rather than volleyball practice which occurs at the same time. Of course, remember, that I told the girls that it was my choice to leave so that's why she is still having issue.
2) Last night after the fastpitch banquet I was urging a basketball player, who doesn't want to play next year but we all thinks she's a super good kid and want her to be part of the team, to come out to some of our June practices and tournaments. She abruptly ended the conversation with "well, you're not at volleyball practice" and walked off. I tell ya, that one cut pretty fucking deep.
3) While talking to Principal Johnson and another girl about something unrelated in his office I realized I was sitting right next to completed interview sheets for my volleyball coaching position. I haven't been called for an interview (and I don't expect a call at all) but they have clearly started the process.
What has made it better for me is my head coach for girls basketball and fastpitch and her encouragement. She has been through similar situations in her old school district (namely getting passed over for a job she probably deserved like what happened to me last school year). She told me to go ahead and be more upfront with the girls about my situation but not placing any blame and being angry about it (which I wouldn't any way). She also mentioned some players having abandonment issues when she left her last school district and I'm seeing that... nice to know that my team was super loyal to me!
With that said I began thinking of who to tell, that I'm not coming back because they didn't want me back rather than my excuse of "I'm leaving so I can get a fulltime job." I was obviously going to tell the girl who dropped that bomb on me (didn't see her at school today when I had free time) and one other girl who I had for both years on the JV squad.
M is not a girly girl at all but is still pretty sweet and will work hard for you if she respects you. I, and other coaches, love her to pieces and her willingness to work to improve. I knew that I could tell her and she wouldn't freak out, get pissed at the head coach or the administration because I wasn't coming back, and could help the other players deal with my not coming back better.
Even though I went over in my head several times what exactly I was going to say to her I soon found myself at a loss for words or where to start. I let her know that it wasn't my call and she said she pretty much figured that. After talking about the situation and how the other girls felt we talked a little bit about me not getting that History job last year, since she was in one of my classes that I was long-term subbing for. I told her that if there is anything I want her to learn from me is to keep working hard and keep fighting after you've been knocked down. Between me and you in LJ land, my life kinda blows at the moment, but somehow I'm still here plugging away.
I think we both realized that we were fighting back tearing up because I know she cares about me as a coach, teacher, and person, and she is definitely one of my all time favorite players since I started coaching sports three years ago. She gave me a hug and we went on to our respective classes and I tell ya, to be able to just put it on the table for a player like that, and for her to be understanding, it real helps put all the crap behind you.
I preached family a lot last year in volleyball, and we preached it over and over again in basketball and fastpitch. It's nice to know that this little thing has happened that those bonds won't so easily fade. We may have finished 6-8, but more importantly we were able to develop some quality players and people. Frankly, I believe that I am surrounded by the best.