Gut feelings

Jan 19, 2009 03:08

Oh no! D: crystalseraph  is really quite unwell... from his symptoms (rebound pain in lower right quadrent, fever etc), it sounds like appendicitus. Thankfully the lovely riotqueerfemme  came to the rescue on her dashing white charger (ok, ok, in her beaten-up station wagon!) and carted him off to hospital. Phew! Last i heard, he was being triaged, but that was about an hour ago. I shall ring in a minute to see how they are getting on. Finger's x'ed that he is ok and being looked after.

If it is appendicitus i won't be at all surprised... it struck me down during my honours year as well. D:

Edit next day: Well, he's ok, sort of. For some bizarro reason the Alfred didn't have an ultrasound technician, so he was sent home to contact his GP about having an ultrasound. Fucking hospitals! Idk, just wait and see i guess. :(

Edit day after that: Fucking fuck fuck doctors. I don't even know what to say. >:(

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