First Day of the Semester

Jan 14, 2008 22:01

I know... There's been some lag between postings from me, but things have been busy.  Michael came back to town, so we've been hanging with him, and I've been trying to get things organized with my research.  I just haven't had a lot of time to sit and write any updates.  I'll try to do one now, if even brief.

Last weekend was mellow.  Michael and I ended up going to see Sweeny Todd, a movie we'd been talking about seeing for months (Funny thing... Josh had no interest seeing it, heh.  Are we surprised?).  It was pretty entertaining and I think it was true to the original musical for the most part.  I know a lot of people have said Johnny Depp can't sing, but I don't think he did that bad.  All in all, I really enjoyed it.

Last weekend we also ordered a new washer and dryer, since we were in desperate need of a pair.  We just picked them up today (and Michael was kind enough to help install everything, which was nice).  They seem to work pretty well and we're pretty happy.  Now you know just how domesticated my partnership is with Josh when we buy appliances together.  *smile*  Coincidentally, Maddisyn's and my insurance cards came in the mail today.  I feel like such an official little wife.  *smile*

Today was the first day of the semester.  I had my Evolution class this morning, which was pretty cool.  I really like the professor (I knew him before and had been very excited to be in a class of his) and I think the class will be challenging, but very interesting and entertaining.  All in all, I'm pretty excited about it.  My only other class this semester (aside from the seminar courses and research credits) is Multivariate Statistics which is on Wednesday evenings.  I really enjoy statistics, so I'm looking forward to it (even if I am usually really wiped after class because of how late it is.

This semester I'm teaching the second half of Human Anatomy and Physiology.  There is a bit of contention with that issue.  I had been asked to teach Embryology in December, which I was reasonably excited about.  I had been told that is what I was teaching.  Then it got changed around the New Year and I was moved back to A&P.  According to the woman who schedules the classes, the issue is that "some people decided to change their entire lives and not tell us, and it messed up the entire schedule".  I do not know for certain, but I suspect that at least in part, the issue is that someone who was a Master's student, who we all expected to leave at the end of last semester, must have decided to either not leave or transition into the PhD program.  Such a change can cause quite a ripple in the teaching assignments, but the biggest reason it affected me is that he happens to be one of the people who normally teaches Embryology (and it was his anticipated leave that prompted the person doing the scheduling to attempt to find a new TA for the class).  The scheduler was pissed; I was a bit irritated.  It's mildly disappointing to not be teaching the course, since I really wanted to, but the biggest frustration is that as a result, my lab schedule sucks.  I'm teaching the same Wednesday afternoon lab I taught last semester (which is fine, but it took some begging to get me switched to be able to get assigned that lab), but I am also teaching a 9 AM Tuesday lab.  Blech.  They originally had me down for 9 AM labs on Tuesday and Thursday, but I begged and pleaded since I need mornings open for research, and switching one lab was my compromise.  *sigh*  Oh well, such is life.  I'll have opportunities to teach more exciting labs later in my career.

In other news, I ordered my ring today.  I want to go off on a weird tangent about the ring, but I'm too tired to do so now, so I'll do it later.  Perhaps tomorrow.  Right now, I need to get some rest.  I have a 9 AM lab, you know.  *smile*

Well, I hope everyone is doing well.  Miss you all so much!

Lots of love!


friends, graduate school, teaching, movies, family

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