Could you show me dear?

Oct 21, 2011 00:34

I spent a good chunk of my day painting. And miraculously I'm actually starting to like a couple of my canvases. Now, what the heck am I going to do with all of them once they're finished?!

Had two coffee dates today, a chiropractor appointment, tacos and most of a bottle of wine. Things are good.

Today also consisted of black panties, lack bra, black corduroy tights, black sweater, black feather earrings, black boots and black leather jacket. Plus my black sunglasses in my black car. Nice.

I've been dressing better, more consciously, less t-shirts, and it feels awfully good. Usually.

Although the underwire in my black bra is coming out and stabs my boob. I'm trying to live with it because a small raw patch seems preferable to bra shopping... O_o

Five days left of 32. Weird.

My Beautiful Banga turns 26 in a couple of days. I really want to talk to him, but I don't think I can do it. What if he doesn't want to hear from me? What if he's not even thinking about me? What if he's perfectly happy with Jo and glad it all went down the way it did? What if I phone and ruin his birthday?

But what if I don't phone, and that ruins his birthday?

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, it's just life, artistry, beautiful banga

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