I smell toast

Jun 09, 2011 10:37

I love weekends away, although camping for one night is almost more hassle than it's worth. But the weather was beautiful (yay for finally seeing sun!!) and the Okanagan Valley is just incredibly stunning. I don't think I've ever driven through it, and I can't wait to go back. The bacon cheesecake was a surprise hit (after I had more than a few issues getting it made), Dessert had a lovely birthday and managed to get wasted without becoming obnoxious. Win all around!!

I still feel a little guilty for not getting him a present so I'm taking him out for supper tonight, to Bolero, where he can eat meat to his heart's content. Men.

The only downer to the weekend was the truck breaking down. Thankfully it was just outside of Kimberley and not in the Pass. Also thankfully the parentals Maclean loaned us their swanky Beamer so we could get out to Castlegar for the birthday camping extravaganza. Dave and Marty drove all the way out on Sunday to put in a new fuel pump, only to discover that that wasn't the issue. Frustrating. Another tow to the dealership where they fixed a corroded connection. I think it cost him around a grand. Yikes!! At least it's running again.

Dessert and I golfed with his mama on Monday. It was fun. The golf courses in Kimberley are gorgeous. I suck, but I wasn't all THAT terrible. I need to get some proper clubs though, because so far I've just been using hand-me-downs from Maclean and his parents - all of whom I'm taller than.

My chiropractor and Maclean both say I'm looking healthier. I'm definitely filling out again - it sure comes back quickly! Maclean is stoked that my boobs are returning, but my face is getting fat too and now he's harassing me to exercise more. It's a valid harassment, but still...

I'm still going to yoga with my sister a couple times a week. Well, trying to. We went yesterday and it was good. We were hanging out at her place yesterday, playing with our new iPhones, when Kelsi rocks up! Impromptu sister time, fun!!

Yes, NEW IPHONE!!!!! I was somewhat reluctant to let my old one go, it's so small and durable, and really, it covered all the necessities. Plus, I had to sign a 3 year contract with Rogers... I've NEVER had more than a one year contract. Because I have commitment issues. We're all aware of this. Jade and I went and got them together so she just laughed at me as my anxiety grew. But I love the iPhone and already can't imagine not having it.

I completed a project in my art class last night. I suck. Seriously. But it still feels good to be creative. And I've learned some cool techniques, now I just need to find the skill to implement them properly.

I'd like to read, and play on my phone, and paint... but instead I'm going to shower, do the dishes, and put in some hours of office work. Ah, the joys of adult life.

Oh, and I need to stop turning on the tv while I eat lunch, because it seems that the only program on is this one where women are in labour the entire time..... It's NOT helping with the whole making babies issue. In fact, I'm about 79% convinced that I honestly, really truly don't want children.  Why does Maclean want to spawn so badly anyway?? I don't get it. Yeah yeah you love them with all your heart and can't imagine life without the little buggers, but you also can't wait until they grow up and take off so you can live your own life again. I'm quite happy to just keep on living my own life without the 20-odd year kid gap. Seriously.  Besides, I've been telling people my entire adult life that I'm not having children, and I really hate being a hypocrite. Maybe I won't be able to have them and instead we can travel and play and buy nice things. Here's hoping..

I also meant to comment on elixxir 's post, about doing the spring cleaning but it all being behind the scenes. Maclean's commented more than a few times about how he thinks I don't do anything around the house. I don't feel the need to announce when I spend an hour scrubbing the tub out, or an afternoon wiping down walls, or any of the other little unseen but important tasks I often tackle. It really is rather satisfying to just know that the house is a little cleaner and better looked after.  But he's also stated that, "It's ok because you're working," inferring that once he becomes the sole breadwinner and I'm doing nothing more than looking after his mini minions then I'll need to earn my keep by taking care of the house as well. It kind of makes me want to punch him. Not only do I have to be the receptacle for breeding your babies and then tear my body in half birthing them, but devoting 24 hours a day raising them for the following 18 years (and make no mistake, his kids will be far from gentle angels) will be an insufficient work load and therefore I must also be the sole housekeeper and cook. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. He really should have found a cute little 20 year old who's only ever dreamed of becoming a mother and wife. I know women like that, and I totally do not fault them whatsoever, but that is SO NOT ME.

This morning I didn't really wake up when Dessert got out of bed, which is highly unusual. In fact I was still so asleep that when he tossed the quilt over me - to keep me warm once his body heat dissipated - it scared the crap out of me! And then all I could smell was toast (of which there was none). Weird. Speaking of toast, and speaking, apparently my first ever word was "toast." Of course my first word would be related to food. :-D

it's just life, i might be a handful, dessert, baby terrors

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