Play that one more time.

Jan 07, 2009 02:07

New Year resolutions? I should pin them up somewhere in my room. Remind myself. Beat the affliction of forgetfulness.

1. Floss every day before I go to bed!

As I grow up I realize I like pretty teeth. Something about good teeth is beautiful to me.

2. Be kinder to my family members.

I thought being bitchy would distance me from the drama, but it just makes me feel a tad emptier than the day before.

3. Read more.

It's embarrassing that I have to make this a resolution. I miss my book worm awkwardness.  Books are so much better than the reality of the in person individual. I don't know when I forgot that.

4. Stay complicated and don't settle.

As humans we want to fit with each other so badly. We want to find our group. So I find myself at odds like many of us probably do. One day I'm simple as the sunshine, another day I'm a layered as rich brides' wedding cake. But the thing is I begin to say I'm only one thing and not another. No I'm just this or that. But I'm not. I'm all over the place. That's me. And I think that sums up as complication. Well, I know that doesn't work well for everyone, but I'm okay with that.

5. Exercise in a consistent manner (in the morning).

No more starvation diets. No more exercises binges to lose a little weight only to become a couch potato before the month ends. I want to make the steady release of endorphins all mine.

6. Snorg tees.

I won't say more about this until it's mine. :)

7. Talk less, listen more to people.

I want to hear people's stories unfold. I want to let someone know that maybe were not always going to be there for each other. But in this moment they have my undivided attention.

I was in the car with Dev today. And he started talking about his latest technique with working out. He loves working out. He's passionate about staying fit. And while I don't share the same enthusiasm of working out, I listen, because I know it matters. And tonight he stopped mid-talking about the technique and said, "You always listen to me. I don't always listen to you. But you really listen to me. I love you so much" I really liked that.

And maybe resolutions don't have to be about things that we're just starting. I don't want to use the end of the year to sum up my flaws and fix everything. Some of mine will be a continuation of what I've been doing with my life. Some parts are just worth repeating.

8. Love more.

Cause you can't love too much you know?

9. Never let my mother wash the dishes again.

This one will be hard. But I'm going to try.

10. Oh, this is the last one. So I'm going to wait on this one. I'm going to let someone else decide for me this one. I can't promise I will heed. But I will listen. I guess this one has to do with letting other people into my life, into my perspective. Widen the senses. We don't know everything about ourselves. The moment you think you got yourself all figured out, ask around. You'll realize you've been looking in the mirror too long, only to see a reflection of your limited capacity. But people change everything. They're better than mirrors. They're the ripples across the surface. Good and bad.
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