Oct 16, 2005 23:18
The rafting trip was a blast. I had so much fun! I'm really excited about sleeping in a bed tonight, too. even if I got more sleep on the trip, I doubt that the quantity compensated for the quality. but it tried. and that was a beautiful thing. the trees were even prettier tho. and the water was so much fun to be on. There's something I have a very difficult time explaining about how much being outside can relax me and remove the stress. Stress all came back tho when Caruso and Baxter decided it'd be a good idea to race back from 465 to Rose going 95... I almost died... and then Baxter cut us off to get in the right turn lane from 46 to Wabash... RAWR. I tell you, its amazing that those boys havent killed themselves. crazy. crazy crazy!
back to Polymers (again)
ovc rafting