Oct 01, 2005 21:02
Hi everyone! Sorry to get all emo with that last entry. It was a rotten day. Sure, I still think what I thought that day, and a lot of it's even more true, but overall I am much more positive about my absolutely wasted life.
And don't think I don't mean wasted. I wouldn't say I'm making *bad* choices lately, it's just that I'm not making the societally requisite *good* choices that it seems everyone around me is making. October of senior year and I haven't even looked at colleges, let alone applications. Sure I hammered the SATs, but as Kumar said, just because you're hung like a moose doesn't mean you HAVE to do porno movies.
At least I am being a good christian boy and staying away from girls. Not for lack of trying, I concede, but yeah. I suppose it's nothing to brag about but I haven't done anything stupid involving a girl in... five months next week! Of course there is still the issue of Shellie... but I won't get into that right now. Until it ends, the story is unfolding, says Michael Tolcher, and the story of Shellie is still unfolding. Just let it be known that I have NO interest in this specimen, she REVOLTS me, she won't leave me ALONE... and is it too much to ask that a normal, healthy, non psychotic girl expresses interest in me? It's bad for my self-esteem when only nutcases are attracted to me. I mean, what does that say about ME?
I will tell you all about Shellie when I have resolved the issue. If you see the word MURDER under my face on the evening news, I have resolved the issue.
I think I'm kidding.
But yeah, that's me today.