Dec 10, 2005 23:51
so it's been a while.. but lots of stuff has been going on... First of all studying for psych and just hanging out w/ people.... Then on Wednesday... oh boy Wednesday... Obviously Kell and I slept through class, but then we went and ate lunch in the OC and went to the library for two hours... Came back to the dorms,the boys were getting toilet paper at the time, so we walked upstairs w/ them.. and they started throwing it around our floor, Drew spilled my coffee on me, and then i hit my bad wrist on him.. but i survived, then we all proceeded to go upstairs. No harm in that right? ha, WRONG! So so so wrong... Drew started climbing up the wall and i pretended to kick him, he then grabbed my leg and stared pulling me down the hall... some how my hand ended up in a door jam and the dorm door was slammed shut on my left pinky.. i dont remember anything i said except call my mom and get me to the fucking hospital..So Dave got his car and Jared and Kell came w/ too cuz they're just that great and they care that much ♥ :) Had to wait for my mom to get there (40 minutes btw, should have been an hour) wait for like 3 hours to have my finger fixed, turns out it was partially amputated...they stitched it up,i held my mom's hand the whole time.. I'm only 19, I'm allowed to be a baby... but it was absolutely the most disgusting thing EVER! Anyways, so they prescribe me bunches of drugs and my anti-biotics my mom and sister happen to be allergic to, so she told the 3 people who were w/ me that someone needed to be w/ me all night to be sure i didnt have a reaction. well, my roommate decided she was going to go home so Jared stayed with me. It was so sweet, cuz he totally coul have been with everyone else hanging out but he stayed w/ me and made sure i was okay and not dying instead :) I get my stitches out Wednesday! can't wait! And thank you to all of you guys who care enough to take care of me all week. i love you all! muwah!