what da fungus

May 06, 2009 23:55

I don't understand how I sleep for 4-5 hours every night, am ridiculously exhausted during the day but come time to go to sleep I can't fall asleep for the life of me.

I go through stressful situations, but don't typically realize I'm stressed until I notice my behavior aka I become a huge crybaby.
It's embarrassing to start crying in the middle of tekserve in front of the mac nerds and customers when I find out that a) my warranty is void due to a crack in the plastic and I have to pay for a new hard drive out of pocket and b) all the stuff on my old hard drive is baaasically lost forever unless I pay 600 dollars. Also, embarrassing to be crying in the middle of class and on the subway.
Whatever, I guess, considering all that is on my plate right now I think I'm handling life in stride.

I can't wait to visit DC, I was speaking to some friends from back.. home? It's not really home anymore? From DC, and it feels like I've been gone for years. I feel so out of touch and out of the loop!

I had the weekend off, spent most of the time sleeping but did manage to squeeze some time to go to the Met. Amazing! Real Egyptian Tombs! I think next time I'm going to go alone so I can take all the time I want and fully soak in the old instruments and greek statues! Phoenician artifacts! Art from the Korean Renaissance! Did I just not appreciate the museums in DC or is the Met just amazing?

Still want to go to the Botanical Gardens, MoMA, Bronx Zoo, etc.

Rain, Rain, Go Away!
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