Frisson du Choronzon

Jul 22, 2005 06:44

When working on adding tracks to a 55 minute piece and your collaborator is other-coasted so must be sent the results via slow net-pipes the sensible thing to do is sectionalise them especially since they have silence-spots or fades befitting such.

The one nearly completed now has a mnemonic title of "Thaumaturge". I like the names but won't feel let-down if they aren't used or the sectors aren't presented as sectors.

I like the way this is going. You have no idea how terrifying it was, adding any difference at all to something you love just as it was, but it's like the difference between virginity and experience. You can die a dried-up pure creature who never knew change and for what. And hey! With this, I get to be the agent of the change, and keep the virgin-version as well.

CHORONZON: You can have your cake and decorate it too! ~/sparkle/~

Speaking of which. today's my birthday. I'm the Forty Year Old Hippie-Rivethead! Hear me Roar! I've just entered my fifth decade of living. Wheeeee. No candles on my cake without a fire-hazard, and I hate eating cake anyway. Deek's going to make banana bread. I love his banana bread.

I'm amazed at how much less sucky and sulky than my 30th birthday this one is turning out to be. It's like losing my 20s happened when I had different perceptions of cultural affiliation. I still believed all of the so-called youth culture I hold so dearly was reserved for the young. Well, it WAS, in the 1980s and 1990s, maybe, but that's because we happened to be young then. Our youth culture simply changed a little and became our media du vivre media. Some of it died, by overdose or by Faustian sellout to the orps sans esprit but the 'CON'"Temporary" youth culture is so utterly different now and so through-and-through lame save for the occasional glitter of a prism-in-the-unrough-enough-blandness - all this means, I now see, that the disconnection factor that used to haunt me now DOES NOT BOTHER ME FOR SHIT. Today's youth culture. I do not want to hear the WORD "Coldplay" much less the band. And though this be rather tightheaded of me I've literally never heard them and already know I'd hate them just because of their ubiquity. It's like Harry P*tter. I haven't read any of it. I haven't seen the movie. I'm on total disconnect with the icons of the twentysomethings of the double-zeroes. I don't know if that's so great for seeding, but it sure helped me get over not being 23 any more.

Deek is getting me this, ordering it from Dragonscale, a couple of jewelers from Florida (yes, the Orlando area) - they are the only ones who make Valksnut pendants-- otherwise known as triptrigrammes:

There's also the more "open" kind which I already have and wear in this icon-pic; the idea is the open one will be worn (you guessed it) during the open microseason, and the closed one during the other slower time. It will help people who know me well be warned whether they will be dealing with a relative zombie or a total spazz when they see me.

The thing is, I learned the microseasons are not so damned absolutist after experience of the mind-catapulted-out-the-ass intensity of the "Obeah: Removing" action - one thing learned of so, so many others.

Protracted rituals shall henceforth be referred to as action: it sounds to me more dynamic than working, and I always thought "working" a bit of a lie, magery being for the most part play and not work. Transduction is work, and it is magery, or a part thereof. But the actual "casting dispersions" is not work, but play. It's action, nevertheless. I know, it has that "activist" political sound to it, but well, maybe that's kind of appropriate these days anyway.

POLITICS IN A NUTSHELL, otherwise known as MY SKULL, because I hardly ever rant about them any more because I live/eat/breathe/etcetera-etcetera Choronzon and that's a great deal more empowering.

The Supreme Court thing is a Red Herring. Don't bite. Why? Yeah, I know about the lifetime tenure shit. But seriously does anyone doubt that whoever Shrub picks for Supreme Court Justice is going to be a Christian-Taliban corporatist asshat? This gets the Vore off the radar quite comfortably...when he just has been found to have committed a treasonous crime. I can't get into protesting this SCOTUS shit.

In fact, protest is so over at this point. That won't change my devotiom to ALWAYS go to the DEMONSTRATIONS, to BE COUNTED as oppposers, but think of them in terms of uniting with like-thinking people (and a few unlike thinking folks who still see eye to eye with us about being in severe danger of a Bad Situation than "protesting" to address grievances to the current government. They have demonstrated over and over again they will lie, break the law, and go against the will of the majority whenever convenient. I was heartened to note a sudden preponderance of Secession Now stickers/buttons/etc. being plugged on blogs, etc. At this point we have no choice but the following: Sink, Swim or Move to Canada or Europe. We either bend over for them, run away for them, or declare independence from them. Shit, it worked in 1776 against the first fucking King George who had an idea up his ass that he owned us all. Trouble is, when that revolution got won the country got cocky and just never quit it. If it isn't quit we're going to get reamed. Islamic terrorists are the least of our worries, though it sure was nice of them to increase the threat of that, too, in addition to all else they've done and are doing.

If you've a mind for activism in the organising, hanging-around-with-people sense, that I do NOT, definitely, my suggestion as Official Big-Picture Cassandra of the Mid Doublezeroes is Get Elected To City and State Positions and start thinking, talking and doing Secession. There will be a lot of problems - a LOT!of!Problems! some of which look damned unsolvable but think about the world you'll be living in in 10 years if you don't assert your right to intelligence, science, cognitive liberty (read: anti-prohibitionism) non-reproduction-freedom, and the right to hear something in the media with stronger language than "dang", YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE IT.

Dominionist Christians are our problem along with Corporatists. Sometimes they're the same thing, or think they are even if they aren't. The reason Dominionists hate us so much has finally become clear, on a page I don't have the link to handy but it's on the site. Dominionists have this cockamamie idea that unless the WORLD is perfectly Biblically governed, that good ol' Rapture ain't gonna go down. Even their Biblical "proof" that this is so is shaky. The thing is, people have been programmed ALL their LIVES that there would be a climactic denoument at the beginning of this millennium. I have written some inserts for New World Chaos about this. I think I'll put one or two of them up.

Heavily in transductory mode. choronzon333 really made my week, big time, with completia that stunned (imagine something you referred to as "goofistry" and called "Wandermind" because you had to call it SOMETHING, coming back sounding as if plugged into a socket and sublimely electrocuted into a Different Thing Entirely that still held the genetic print of the original at its centre. WHOA.) And this all has me high as any mania time, microseason and PMS be damned, lack of the colour-blot I whined so of be damned, they have all been transcended.

A signal came flashing around three PM PST yesterday that the Saturday/Sunday ritual bore fruit, a series of transmitted images (The Indweller speaks well now, occasionally still will communicate in photomontage) of escalating chaos starting with some picayune insignificance and snowballing...the arguments break out at the Lakeside where once the unity prevailed...The world is not run by one conspiracy, but by many, and they're at each other's throats, too. Not just ours...most of us aren't worth the bother...or seem not to be...

They'll use us where they can. I am my own conspiracy: Spirit Autonomy. A nation of one, my State already in secession.

process of creation, choronzon, birthdays

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