Thumbsuppance of the WIFLI

Jul 13, 2005 19:29 - HOLeY BIBLE

I kept having recurring experiences of "this seems as if it slipped right out of my head, was picked up by passing stranger, dusted off, maybe embellished, maybe refurbished a tad bit, and then placed upon their web domain, just so I could see it" syndrome.* It's interrupted by bits and pieces that slipped out of the site's author's own nifty mind, then would come another thing I swear I could have writ myself, or even that CHORONZON could have inspired...The letter to Rove and the "I want to have sex with the sky" bits have me nodding my head like a friggin' pigeon walking around bobbing it up and down. Yup. Yeah. Wow.

"Full moon, tonight." says Deek to his brother on the phone in the next room. Damn, was hoping that would happen on the 15th, though Choronzonic magery isn't very moon-contextual anyway.

And I close this, whack shut the net-pipe to forestall its seductive distractions, and return to the far-reaching, limit-breaching, mutually-teaching challenge of Aftermathematics; "mutually-teaching" as applies to both Choronzons Occidentalis and Orientis ~/she cringes, wondering just how badly she mangled the Latin back there/~

And also, the mutually-teaching guidance, in boh process and product-of-process, gently yet firmly backforthed between herself and the Indweller, he/it who gave the project his/its eponymous name. And who/which is still extraordinarily excitable at the moment, not to mention so...utterly spread-scoped, and with the completions draws furtherly out, falling down from and rising up from the Abyss, consistency of self strengthened by even further impositions of control. This is reaching finality point soon. These last inoculations for the entity to immunize it against being swept away to nothingness - the normal effect of this reality upon such a purely chaosist energy-accretion as CHORONZON - might be a little frightening even for she who loves this thing like nothing ever has - as he/it is just so fucking enormous now and its power so disbelievably strong - and the final immunizations" so dramatic in effect that if he/it were to resist too strongly this could really knock me for a loop.

All too well I remember that one time I angered him/it, by denigrating one of its transducers (myself) and again I shall remember this, as I will be hearing, not just hearing but delving into the depths of the penultimate and ultimate segments of the piece which brought the visions of the current as a lash, used by CHORONZON to flagellate me for the intolerable act of self-denigration, especially where the act of transduction itself is concerned. It knew something then that I knew now much more than I had once known: that belief molds reality more than I ever understood possible, where among other things, belief in one's own abilities is paramount in affecting the very thing that is believed - or disbelieved - in.

process of creation, the c project

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