[It's early morning (still fairly dim outside) and Susumu finds himself... in a forest. Randomly. No explanations, no comrades, no clothes- at least not ones belonging to him. Probably not the most disturbing thing ever to happen to him, but considering it was practically inconceivable for someone to ambush and take him right out of the middle of
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He is oblivious as all hell. ]
So without a word - after what he deems to be a safe amount of observation - Susumu drops out of the tree to land in the bushes not far off. It would be foolish to reveal himself as a spy, after all- best to approach the man as normally as possible.]
Hi! Did you get lost?
Oh, you're in Luceti. There are a lot of other people here, too.
...Never heard of it. [Details please.]
Oh, so you are new, then! Well, everyone here got kidnapped from their worlds by a bunch of scientists called the Malnosso. They gave us the wings, too, even if you can't really do anything with them. And they experiment on everyone, sometimes. [ Curious glance. ]
Did you find your journal?
Also: what. What. It takes every ounce of willpower Susumu has not to react accordingly to that, keeping his face as calm and composed as a ninja's should. What that man is saying is ridiculous. He's never even left Japan before. Maybe he's been taken to America? That would be a new "world" for him, right? And Americans are weird enough to give themselves wings. Probably. Not like he's met many Americans, but.
...Well okay, any.]
Yeah, it's usually around where you wake up. It has your name on it and everything!
I mean- I guess you don't really need it, but it helps a lot. There's even a guide. It's better at explaining everything than I am.
I saw no guide. [Then again he didn't look very hard. There was a lot of text he didn't care much about, and pictures of people who were unfamiliar to him.]
...This is ridiculous.
A lot of people say that, yeah. But it's true.
...So you are from another world.
That's right. My name's Usopp, it's nice to meet you!
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