Peryl fan fiction ch 38!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 22, 2009 16:34

As promised here's the next chapter! Once agian happy birthday to the always gorgeous Meryl Streep! I'm sorry it took awhile to get the chapter to you guys!

thanks to surena_13 and mammamiafreak! they are always such a great help to me!

Harry was sitting right beside his nephew and out of the corner of his eye he saw Henry shake his head and smirk. Harry looked over and saw what Henry was smirking at, he watched Pierce kiss his sister and he elbowed Dana lightly and got him to look over at them as well. Dana laughed. “Our sister always seemed to be able to outdo or out perform anyone most of the time without trying!” Harry stared at him sort of confused “What exactly does that have to do with anything?” he asked Dana. Dana laughed again and said “I’m sure the fireworks in the sky are no match for the one’s our sister is causing inside of Pierce’s pants!” Harry put his face in his hands and laughed silently. Meryl and Pierce finally broke their kissed and turned back towards the sky. The Grand finale to the fireworks came about t10 minutes later. When the show was over they packed up everything they had brought up with them and headed back inside. Meryl went to the nursery and put Heather in her crib and then Meryl and Pierce waved goodbye to everyone from the door. When they shut it Meryl pinned Pierce to the door and kissed him, prying his mouth open with her tongue. She pulled away after awhile leaving Pierce breathless. “what… did I do to… deserve that?’ he asked. Meryl unfastened her ponytail and let her hair fall around her shoulders and turned and started walking towards the staircase. “It’s the 4th of July, an American holiday where we shoe just how patriotic we are to this country.” she said. She started unbuttoning her shirt with her back still turned towards Pierce facing the stairs. “You kissed me like that because your patriotic towards America?” Pierce asked confused, he was still standing in the entry way. “No” Meryl replied her still turned to him. “I kissed you because today is a day of patriotism and seeing how you’re my hero I figured I should show you some very special patriotic attention.” Meryl let her shirt slid off of her shoulders and turned around to face Pierce in a blue, lace bra with red lace straps and white stars. His jaw hit the floor and Meryl smirked shook her shoulders seductively and then dashed up the stairs, Pierce on her heels following her to their bedroom.

Pierce immediately pinned Meryl to the bed. He looked down at his fiancé, her cheeks were flushed, and her blonde locks were scattered around her. He chuckled to himself. “What’s so funny?” she asked. “I was just thinking that one sure fire way to get the troops’ moral up would be for you to go overseas and just stand there in front of them in that bra, not only will it raise their moral but it will raise a few other things too.” Pierce said cheekily. Meryl started giggling. “Honey, get real me in this bra will not turn a bunch of young men on!” “The bra might turn them on but not with me wearing it at least!” she said still laughing. “Oh yeah, I sent a photo of you and Heather to Sean a couple of days ago.” Pierce said. “The one of you holding her on your, and you had your hair down, and you were wearing a low cut blue shirt that brought out the blue in your eyes and a pair of tight faded jeans.” “Well what did he say?” Meryl asked intrigued. “He can’t believe how quickly his baby sister is growing. Then he added “Dad, if for some reason things don’t work out between you and Meryl would you be offended if I asked her out?”” Pierce finished. Meryl doubled over in laughter. “He’s just like you!” she said. “Of course he said he was only kidding, but he did say that your incredibly beautiful and that I have amazing taste in women.” Meryl stopped laughing as Pierce leaned down and kissed her. “I know what you’d find sexier than this bra.” she said in a husky voice. “Oh and what would that be?” Pierce asked with his eyebrow raised. Meryl let out a naughty laugh and said “me, with my legs wrapped around your waist… wearing absolutely nothing.” Pierce groaned at the thought and kissed her again, he had them undressed in record time and it wasn’t long until both of their bodies were erupting in orgasms.


August soon arrived and everyone involved with wedding plans was flying out to Greece a week early to finish setting everything up. Meryl asked Don one last time if he would come to the wedding, and he gave her the same answer he had when she asked him the first time months ago. “You two have my blessing, and if your happy Meryl than I’m happy for you. But I just can’t watch you marry someone else.” Don said. “I understand.” Meryl replied. She was saddened that he wouldn’t be there but she couldn’t blame him for not wanting to come. A week and one day before the wedding Meryl, Pierce, Heather, Mamie, Grace, Louisa and Henry all woke early and boarded a private jet that Oprah had insisted they use for this occasion and headed to Greece.

The flight was long and most everybody slept for the first couple of hours except Mamie. She was to busy coming up with a wedding prank for Meryl and Pierce. Her and her brother and sisters had discussed pulling a prank on them and since Mamie came up with the best ones they all decided she would figure a good joke out and then they would all act on it. So she sat lost in thought. “I know they are used to having sex almost every night… what if we did everything humanly possible and keep them away from each other for a whole week, that way they won’t have sex until their wedding night, it might make it even more memorable.” She thought of a couple of other reasons why this would be the best prank to pull, and the main reason was she knew her mother loved a good joke and it would be hilarious watching Pierce go without her mother for a week. “So that settles it, that’s what we’ll do.” she thought. She grinned wickedly to herself. Everyone started to wake up so she composed her thoughts and they all spent the rest of the flight talking about last minute wedding plans.

As soon as they landed Mamie text her brother and sisters letting them know she had figured a plan out. On the way to the hotel they were in a separate care from Meryl, Pierce and Heather so it was the perfect time to discuss everything. “Mames, your brilliant!” Henry said. Grace and Louisa nodded their heads in agreement, the started discussing the best way to keep them apart and soon they had it. Mamie immediately called the hotel and made a slight change to their reservations. Their car pulled up first and Mamie made a mad dash for the front desk. By the time she had their room keys and had checked them in everyone was waiting in the lobby. Mamie smirked on the inside and thought “Let the prank begin.” she put on a serious face and walked over to everyone. “Mom, Pierce, everybody don’t flip out but there has been a mistake with our reservations and instead of having 3 rooms booked there are only 2 so Henry doesn’t have a suite.” Grace, Henry and Louisa pretended to be shocked. “How the hell could they screw our reservations up?” Henry asked. “I don’t know but they did and they are completely booked.” Mamie said. “Alright, this is just fine we can deal with this I’m not about to let one tiny little mishap ruin this week.” Meryl said. “Heather and I will stay with the girls and Honey, you and Henry can share a room.” she said looking at Pierce. “Looks like we’re going to get to know each other better.” Pierce said to Henry. Henry just smiled. Mamie handed out the room keys and they all headed towards the elevators. Pierce pulled Meryl behind the kids a little and gave her a disappointed look. “How are we supposed to have any alone time like this?” he whispered. “Relax” Meryl said. “the kids are going to want to go explore Greece and when they do…” she said arching and eyebrow. A smile returned to Pierce’s face knowing they would find a way to be together, they all ways had. Or so they thought, little did they know of the week of torture that Meryl’s children had in store for them……. TBC

I also apoligize for this chapter being shorter than what your used to! I've just been busy with mama!


louisa gummer, henry gummer, wedding, meryl streep, greece, mamma mia, perfyl fan fiction, fireworks, pierce brosnan, don gummer, mamie gummer

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