of when the leeve breaks

May 09, 2009 20:21

Hi, F-list...

I watched Supernatural and this is what I think:

There are alooooooot of things on this episode, and what I like the most were the hallucinations, because we got a front row seat to Sam's psyche. And MAN!!!! The dude's messed up. The whole time he's calling himself on many things: The Jessica thing, the reason why he wants to go after Lillith. The revenge. He doesn't even believe his own excuses!

I think all hallucinations were of Sam's inner conflicts.

First: Allister. I think that as Dean had to go through that kind of torture by the hand of Allister and he's believed to be the one to stop the apocalypse, Sam imagined himself go through the same since he believes he will stop Lillith.

Second: Young Sammy. Conflict number 1: who he was, who he wanted to be. I love that little Sammy called Sam on all his lies, like he did all this for Jessica. I don't know to what extend he did it all for Jess and neither does Sam apparently because, we must always remember, he is simply talking to himself.

Third: Mary. Conflict number 2: his resentment towards Dean. He loves his brother but ever since the season began he's been going around saying: "Dean's not strong enough", "Dean is not the same he was", "Dean can't do it". The image of Mary comes to reassure him that what he thinks, what he believes, is not wrong, that he is doing the right thing, and thus he comes to terms to what he really believes. He believes Dean is weak; he believes he, Sam, is the strong one, and he has to go on without Dean. Also, on a side note, I love having Mary back because seeing her saying those things is like a stab in the heart, don't you think? And it's rather pathetic that he's using the image of his mother to convince himself that it's ok to have these thoughts. I kinda think it would've been even more hurtful if it had been John, but I'm guessing JDM's schedule is as tight as usual...

Fourth: Dean. Conflict number 3: his self hatred. Despite the fact he believes he's doing the right thing, somewhere, deep down he knows he is a monster. He believes Dean thinks the same, thus, I think, where the resentment towards the brother comes from.

I think Sam is jealous of the fact Dean was picked by the good guys while he got picked by the bad ones. He's trying to do the right thing with the awful and inhuman abilities he has but.. to be honest, the more he plays with fire, the more he gets burnt, and he doesn't even notice it, which is what Dean has been telling him ever since he found out about Sam's abilities. DON'T.EVER.USE.THEM. But he says he's being "practical" so he goes ahead, drinks demon blood and saves the day... to then turn into the exact same thing he hunts. Ironic.

I kind of hate Sam now.

AND DUDE!!! F-ing Castiel!!! Such a traitor.. and, still, you know he's hurting!! He hates himself for following the orders of tricking Dean into swearing obedience, of setting Sam free and double-crossing Anna. Why do you think the Angels set Sam free? Maybe they don't think Dean will be able to make it either... Maybe they're betting on Sam? I don't get that. Did they want this conflict to blow the way it did to separate the brothers so Dean will be more focused? I don't know. I don't get it.

A few facts:
one. the one man tear... how I love thee.
two. BOBBY!!!! YEY! I feel we haven't had him in the show for too long!
three. the Sam/Ruby thing... still creeps the crap out of me.
four. the fight! Sam strangling Dean... WTF?! He's so... out of it, really.
five. I loved the shots!!! Who directed this???! It was genius!!!
six. i like the girl who plays Ruby 2.0, but I don't like her as Ruby. She was a kick ass bitch!! now... she's more like a bitchy cheerleader... she's not scary! She was like: OH, NO, PLEASE, NO. PLEEEEASE DON'T KILL ME DEAN!!!! She almost went down on her knees and begged for mercy.
seven. you don't know me... you never did... OMG! stab in the heart.
eight. I hate Jared Padalecki's acting. What's with the lip thing when he's mad??? He ain't Billy Idol, for god's sake!!!

A few facts about The Rapture:
one. i love Misha. He's such a fucking awesome actor. For some time I thought Castiel was his acting. That's how he acted. All... stiff and weird. But suddenly came Jimmy and it was... outstanding. His face, his voice, even his walk changed. I LOOOOOVE MISHA!!!
two. sam is a junkie. he kinda disgusts me.
three. poor Cas. He got spanked in heaven.
four. hi, Anna! I want you thrown into the action a little more!!
five. Sam, you look different. Yesh, you look like a freaking deamon!!
six. i love Dean's dreams.
seven. i love Jimmy and I wanted to hug him so badly when he didn't want to say grace. I guess having your body snatched from you by an Angel and see all the things he probably saw will do that to a religious person.
eight. i want to know what Caz wanted to tell Dean!! OMG! Maybe it had to do with what he did on When the Leeve Breaks!!! Maybe they really think Sam will stop Lillith.
nine. sam ganking a demon to drink its blood... again, disgusting.

A few facts about The Monster at the End of this Book:
two. i love Chuck. I'M THE PROPHET CHUCK! LOL!
three. I think they go carried away with the whole "Winchester Gospels"... *snorts* uhm, alright...
four. i LOOOOVE CAZ!!! He's so sneaky when he wants!
five. i kinda want to read the books now!! lol!! which is stupid since I've seen the episodes... on a second thought, Dean is full frontal on Rute 666 so it may have its perks!
six. the fan sites!!! the slash!!! LOL!! Yes, fandom, the Kripke man is in on you. Watch out! "what's a slash fan?" "as in... sam/dean... *looks disgusted* together" "like... together together" "yeah" "they do know we're brothers, right?" "that... doesn't seem to matter" "oh, come on. that's just... that's just sick"... MY POINT EXACTLY!!! You slash fans... you dirty, dirty girls.
seven. the publisher died on The Usual Suspects

Ok, that's it. I'm out!!




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