Aug 20, 2008 14:22
Well, I went early, not as early as the students, to Ballard this morning.
I went with Shou-kun, buuut, I didn't have a reason. So, I lied ans said I needed to talk to the counselor.
It was pretty much lame.
I didn't want to lol
I then saw Lindsay in the attendance office and I waited for Sensei with her.
His ass was running late. But he had a meeting.
I spent... *forgets*
His second planning period,3rd,4th.
We kinda *me and Shou* hated the classes. They were very noises.
Hopefully she uploads the pictures we drew with utmost talent *that is a lie*
5th period we went to Orchestra.
HOLY HELL there are A LOT of students in concert this year.
I need to audition for chamber. No joke.
I mean, i've been lazy... But looking at the class now?....
I must work harder.
I payed along with the class. I need to practice.
I sucked really bad.
Then for 6th I went to Sensei's class alone with Yuki-chan.
I mouthed off some brat who kept asking about me knowing Japanese and crap.
I then graded their Hiragana.
Is Hiragana that hard to remember? I learned it in withing a day and a half.
My dad says I shouldn't insult their speed. lol.
He says I've got Japanese in me, and when I was a kid, I spoke it fluently.
So he says that's why I know the characters.
However I doubt that since I didn't even know how to read.
I'm exhausted. I'm pretty sure Shou is too.
After school I messed around with friends, talked, got millions of unwanted hugs from people I don't really miss.
I saw Jessi twice. Hallway, then, after school.
She always has smokes. So I asked her for one. But she was running thin. I had to give her 50cents, cause she was riding tarc, and if I payed, I got a cig.
So, in the end...... I had to give her *Chan's 50cents and got a cigarette :D.
*Chan is actually some Korean guys name, lol*
I got a ride home from Chirs' mum. Yuji-chan decided to skip the crowded bus
and bug sensei.
I actually then talked to Sensei a lot too. Kinda odd. *maybe it was because I was exhausted..*
I got my ride home, Yuji did most of the socializing as I sat my ass in my seat...
And I'm home... :D
Gah... I wanna sleep D:
..... *uses spell check for a ton of words ^.^;*